The Hubbard Dorm.

One of the girls’ dorms at my son’s school, Northfield Mount Hermon in western MA.
Panny GX7, 14-45mm kit zoom. Processed in Color Efex Pro4.
The Hubbard Dorm.
One of the girls’ dorms at my son’s school, Northfield Mount Hermon in western MA.
Panny GX7, 14-45mm kit zoom. Processed in Color Efex Pro4.
No trekking involved.
While I would love to relate how I drove for hours through the desert in an all wheel drive vehicle then trekked dozens of miles to my destination, the reality is that these snaps were taken exactly 2 miles from my doorstep in Scottsdale in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve which, at 30,500 acres in area, is the largest nature reserve in the United States. Some 180 miles of trails make discovery easy and the weather today was picture perfect.
So while the northeast is buried in snow, the southeast flooded, the midwest frozen over and the northwest fogged in, Arizonans find themselves happily basking in the sun, the weather the least of our concerns.
Here’s a map of the Preserve:
Click for a big map. Image location in red; my home in green.
All snapped on the Nikon D3x with the 35mm Sigma Art (first and fourth) or the 20mm UD Nikkor (all others).
The Preserve teems with wild life and birds, not least the javelina (a peccary, related to the wild boar) which often wander into my community in search of cactus fruit, a favorite:
Update November 2019:
The scum that call themselves ‘developers’ and their low-life hangers on, realtors, sought to open the Preserve to commercial development, rock concerts, T shirt sales, booze, white trash – you name it. All the sort of things that bring white trash and crime to a pristine neighborhood and one I particularly care about as my community abuts the Preserve. Decent residents placed Proposition 420 on the November mid-term ballot and I was pleased to contribute mightily to the cause. I am delighted to report that the bottom feeders were well and truly trashed as the voters voted that there would be no development without a majority vote at the ballot box, much to the dismay of the politicians who had sought to do this by Council vote. The story is here. Next time you pay some realtor scumbag 6% to show you a bathroom that you can see free online, think about that.
iPhone6 snap.
A good start
iPhone6 snaps.
My son is free.
These pieces generally run annually in time for Hanukkah and Christmas.
A year ago I wrote of A Most Extraordinary Year, one which saw my son on the way to prep school and ninth grade in Massachusetts. His decision – he chose Northfield Mount Hermon in north western Massachusetts as his home for the next four years – prompts this year’s column and fills in the gaps.
In the spring Winston and I revisited the two schools he had short listed based on his original visits in November 2015. So compelling did he find the presentation and people at NMH that he decided this would be the place for him. I offered no argument. Any decision which was not totally his would forever rankle in memory. His and mine. Nor did I have any issue with his choice. It was superb in every way and a perfect fit for my boy’s kind and gentle soul.
When your only child moves three thousand miles east from home trepidation abounds, and the first few weeks of transition to his new environment were sleepless ones for his dad. You can never prep well enough for prep school. I should not have worried. NMH, along with the many great private schools in New England, has been at this for some 150 years and, boy, do they know their business. Between academic studies, Acting, Theater and Debate along with a new avocation for cross country running, calls to my nearest and dearest were met with an unexpected “Don’t bother me now dad. I’m busy.” Could there have been a better message?
That academic life at a premier New England school would be challenging goes without saying. This is a preparatory school, after all, with 100% matriculation to college. That is what the student is preparing for. And after a public intermediate school, fine as it was, Winston has some catching up to do. What I did not realize is that his new school’s goal is not merely to challenge the child intellectually, it is also to exhaust him physically, a process which saw Winnie taking to cross-country like a duck to water. Getting to sleep at night is the least of his problems.
“You got trashed, Win?”
“Well, dad, what do you expect from the school with the biggest endowment in the nation?”
Where did he get that? You figure it out.
Parents’ Weekend was wonderful. I met the usual cadre of over-ambitious parents, determined to get a return on their investment regardless of the emotional toll on their kids, along with the occasional sports scholarship winner every bit as determined to excel at basketball and a future in reality TV. But of far greater import was the opportunity to meet students and faculty. The first wonderfully self effacing and charming and genuinely kind, the second the ne plus ultra of educators. Teachers at this school teach because they want to not because they have to, and they most certainly do not need a trades union. Many are Ivy League graduates with Oxbridge and London alma maters also well represented. Theirs is a passion, a vocation, a commitment to teaching. The level of care and feeding of the student is why you really want your child attending one of these institutions. And feeding is not just intellectual and athletic, for NMH is renowned as having the finest dining hall of any school or college in the United States!
So as Parents’ Weekend wound down to its inevitable conclusion, we walked over to the library on the beautiful campus and I snapped one last image to remind me of what will be.
My son was free. Free to be his own man, free to make his own friendships, free to make his own decisions and free to set his direction. His fire, to echo Yeats, is well and truly lit.
With Winnie safely ensconced in his new digs, I turned to pursuits more selfish and finally enacted a long considered plan to abandon the Bay Area, home for twenty years, and move to a place I have long loved, Scottsdale, Arizona. This is a throwback to Norman Rockwell’s America where neighbors stop by to chat and crime is a word in the dictionary. And while moving house makes a root canal seem like a fun time by comparison, I reasoned that, as with visits to the dentist, it was best to get it over and done with, so this Christmas finds me in the Arizona desert, infinite vistas at my doorstep accompanied by glorious sunsets and a distinct sense that this is how America once was. Silicon Valley be damned.
All snaps on the Panny GX7.
Click here for an index of all the Biographical pieces.
Academy of the overrated.
Desirous of avoiding cold winters at his home, named Taliesin from the Welsh, in Wisconsin, Frank Lloyd Wright built Taliesin West in Scottsdale, minutes from my home there.
Touring it with my son the other day I was reminded of the scene in Woody Allen’s ‘Manhattan’ where Woody and friends are exiting a cinema with two of the friends naming candidates for what they call ‘The Academy of the Overrated’, whose honorees include Mahler, Scott Fitzgerald, Norman Mailer, Van Gogh and Ingmar Bergman, the latter to Woody’s especial dismay. Well, you can add Frank Lloyd Wright to the list.
This is an architect who goes out of his way to be different yet never creates anything new. The results, as often as not, are just plain silly:
The low door entrance was explained as a ‘venturi’ to suck visitors in. In reality all it does is suck.
The pretentiousness extends to a near total avoidance of right angles, Wright seemingly being incapable of working with them.
Unimproved parking lot passing as architecture.
More silly angles. The wooden construction is so shoddy that expensive remediation with structural steel is being undertaken. A wrecking ball would be faster.
What sort of idiot makes a triangular swimming pool?
Survive these spikes and you get to the triangular (surprise!) movie theater.
Lost for ideas as to how to terminate the long run of the guest quarters, Wright came up with this excresence.
See what I mean?
If you want to see the ultimate example of Wright’s sheer mediocrity, go no further than the Guggenheim Museum on Fifth Avenue in NYC. An example, if ever there was one, of appearance attempting to err …. trump …. lack of talent.
Save your money. Go elsewhere.
iPhone6 snaps on a rare overcast day in Scottsdale.