
Adams Way at Third, Phoenix, AZ.
Nikon F100, Kodak Ektar 100 at 160 ASA, 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 AFD Nikkor zoom.
Adams Way at Third, Phoenix, AZ.
Nikon F100, Kodak Ektar 100 at 160 ASA, 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6 AFD Nikkor zoom.
Silly-priced new MacBook Air.
Apple just announced the new MacBook Air and it’s priced at an over-the-top $1200 for the base model with a 13.3″ display.
You will not be seeing this much more:
Yes, this silly-priced MacBook Air confirms that Apple is strictly in the Veblen Goods market, where a premium price is seen as attractive, a low one as a disincentive to conspicuous consumption.
Consider: Wireless ear bud speakers at $120. Cellphones starting at $800 + tax + annual service contracts. The Apple Pencil to draw on your iPad at $100. All commanding 50% profit margins because someone has to pay for that ridiculous over-the-top flying saucer HQ:
I’m writing this on a 2010 Mac Pro tower. In its faultless 365/24/7 life it has had one upgrade of GPU, CPU, RAM and SSD storage. I expect it to continue to deliver fault free daily performance for another decade, at 70% of the speed of the latest throwaway machines. When parts fail – and they seldom do – they are easily replaced with a screwdriver or two and readily available. The chassis design dates from 2006.
My MacBook Air is the last 11″ 2015 model made. I would upgrade this $800 machine annually as, with associated tax benefits, the upgrades were free. Then the 11″ was discontinued never to appear again. It weighs just 2.38lbs and is a handy portable companion. At 11″ a costly ‘Retina Display’ would be money wasted. It’s the perfect traveling machine whether for college student or businessman. But you can no longer buy it new. So now the aspiring student will buy a Chromebook with comparable specs to the new MacBook Air for, what, $450?
In a decade Apple has abandoned its core constituency, the pro A/V market. It has abandoned college students and the impecunious. And now it sells ridiculously overpriced, glass-backed, fragile cell phones for $1000 and up.
Strange business model for the coming recession.
Strategy? Given that technology changes at the margin for desktops, laptops, tablets and cellphones are very slow, I’m increasingly focused on upgrading to 2-3 year old tech, as I did in moving from an iPhone6 to an iPhone7 for a modest $300 net a few weeks back. No $1000 cellphones for me. I get 80% of current performance for 30% of the cost. That solves.
Just a handful of events did it.
When you look at the causes of success in the wealthiest nation there has ever been, there are but a handful:
These thoughts ran through my mind when I snapped the images below for they speak loudly to the most significant of the wealth creators enumerated above, the first. The other three would have been impossible without it.
When a bunch of throughly pi**ed off Americans chucked 342 chests of English tea (from China, of course, stolen by the British in the first place) into Boston Harbor the movement for independence from a tyrannical colonial power was firmly entrenched. There would be no more taxation without representation and the English protection racket was doomed.
“Your taxes pay for protection”, the English King told us. Uh huh. (‘Colonialism’ is little more than a euphemism for theft).
While the original boats are long gone there’s a replica to be seen in the harbor:
Taken from a high floor of the Intercontinental Hotel, Boston.
Panny GX7, 12-35mm pro zoom.
New England light.
The nights and mornings in New England are cold by now, frost in evidence as the sun rises.
Having attended breakfast with the Dean at an indecently early hour, I stumbled out of the deanery at my son’s school and this is what I saw:
Early morning.
Alumni Hall serves some of the best meals in New England.
This girls’ dorm dates to 1882.
Seen through the frame of the Admissions Building.
Another view of Alumni Hall.
More like 7am …. The Memorial Chapel is made from local Connecticut River granite.
Like almost every prep school in the area, NMH is now secular.
The Forslund Gym faces the magnificent playing fields. NMH is in the Pioneer Valley.
First autumn colors.
I am a big believer that the spirit of place is a key component of a happy mind and how could you go wrong on this beautiful campus in central Massachusetts?
Panny GX7, 12-35mm pro zoom.
Architectural unity in a fine setting.
For an alphabetical index of the New England College series of pieces, click here.
When Wesleyan University decided to ban women (!) from its campus in 1909, the business opportunity was not lost on Connecticut College, some 40 minutes east in Connecticut which opened its doors in 1911, to women only. It’s now co-ed, as is Wesleyan and educates just 1800 undergraduate students, with its strengths being chemistry, biology, medicine and economics. Many graduates go on to NYU to take a masters in business.
As I was at my son’s school in central Massachusetts for Fall Family Days, we made the pilgrimage to Connecticut College some 120 miles and 2 hours south during the long weekend. While Winston is increasingly focused on an urban or city setting for college after four years in remote Northfield Mount Hermon in the Berkshires, CC’s setting near the small, tired working class town of New London does not disqualify it, as excellent rail services see to it that both New York and Boston are some 90 minutes distant.
The architecture, with Connecticut River granite used throughout, is quite splendid here with only two modern design eyesores – the Library and Arts buildings. The stone used, however, is the same. In this regard the campus is very reminiscent of far more remote Middlebury, with CC distinguished by a quite splendid selection of modern sculptures dotted throughout the compact and beautifully ordered grounds, resplendent with not one but two perfect soccer pitches. Further, even the old buildings see their infrastructure modernized and the overall effect is much of a muchness. Lovely.
Our charming guide Shelby, a sophomore, briefs the tour group on a crisp autumn day.
Winston at right, sporting NMH apparel.
The gingerbread admissions building. It matches nothing but is quite charming.
The Arts building. Oh! dear.
A hint of Brutalism in the performing arts building, but not too bad.
The concert hall inside the performing arts building.
Winston in front of Louise Nevelson’s magnificent Untitled piece, 1976-86.
Antoine Poncet’s Sensoraya, 1969.
Sasson Soffer’s Northern Memory & Southern Memory, 1986.
It may only be late October but the leaves are all gone here.
Professional greenhouse.
Following Wesleyan’s lead, CC includes an observatory.
Synergy. Francis G. Pratt, 1994
William McCloy’s whimsically named ‘The Dangers and Pleasures of Co-Education’, 1968
While the Shain Library’s exterior has a face only a mother could love,
the four stories of books, including a lovely oriental quiet
space, are really something.
Putto 4 over 4, v2, by Michael Rees, 2006. A most dynamic piece.
CC alumni include Joan Rivers, Judge Kimba Wood, Susan Saint James, Estelle Parsons and Nan Kempner.
Panny GX7, 12-35mm pro zoom.