30 months later.

Abundant growth may dictate repositioning of some of the spotlights.
An overhaul of the irrigation system, much planting and diligent fertilization have gone on during the past 30 months and the results are starting to show.

One goal is to have color most of the year around.
Newly planted Hibiscus are at the base of the Mobius loop sculpture.

The Krauter Palm is surrounded by Bottle Brush shrubs.
A symphony of Oleanders is starting to cover the south wall of the home, behind the BBQ.

The east passageway was completely barren 30 months ago.
It’s now replete with Yellow Bells and Oleanders

Yellow Lantana fill this planter. The drop down shades shield the patio area from the blast of southern sun.

The west wall will soon be hidden by these Oleanders.

The west passageway, once barren, is now filled with Star Jasmine and red Oleanders.

The foreground Oleander was just 18″ tall when planted and now rises 8′.
My neighbor’s Bougainvillea spill gorgeously over the east wall.
Here’s the barren, cheapskate misery I acquired 30 months ago – after 20 years this is the best previous owners could do:

Tacky solar landscape lighting included. Immediately recycled and replaced with wired LEDs.
Nikon D700/20mm AFD Nikkor for the night image.
Panasonic GX7/12-35mm pro zoom for the others.