Bermuda is a feast for the eyes and it’s probably impossible to take a bad photograph there. It’s even harder to take a good one, given the abundance of color and subject matter.
These are from a trip in August, 1999 and clearly affluence had reared its more than welcome head as my 35mm Summaron and 90mm Elmar had been upgraded and a 20mm Russkie lens added, but the Leica M3 remained. For once I switched from Kodachrome 64 to Ektachrome 64 and the slides have held up well, not fading one bit.

Lunch al fresco
The ziggurat pattern directs rain water to underground storage tanks
The ultrawide 20mm Russkie Orion lens was ideal for this sort of surrealist image
Siesta time
The island is solid rock so graves are above ground
Leica M3, 20mm Orion, 35mm Asph Summicron, 50mm Summicron, 90mm Asph Summicron, Kodak Ektachrome 64, ‘scanned’ with the Nikon D800.