50 years of Street Snaps
This book represents my favorite street snaps taken over a fifty year period, 1971 through 2021.
The early monochrome images were all taken on a Leica M3, mostly with a 35mm Summaron lens, always on Kodak TriX film. Most of the later color snaps were made with Panasonic G1 and GX7 MFT cameras with the 14-45mm kit zoom. From auto nothing to auto everything in 50 years. How did we manage to meter, focus and compose before the days of automation?
My goal all along was to infuse an element of humor into my photography eschewing, at all costs, ridicule and cruelty.
My favorite images?
- Page 1 – at the Reg Bolton sculpture show. Talk of a magical Moment
- Page 2 – the drama of the falling child in the most perfect urban place on earth, Paris’s Tuileries Gardens
- Page 9 – the new bride in Parc Monceau, Paris, her bridesmaids all a tizzy
- Page 14 – that gorgeous, crazy Irish Wolfhound
- Page 22 – a poignant scene at the Holocaust Memorial in Paris
- Pages 32-33 – young love
- Page 34 right – the chicken getting a parking ticket
- Page 37 right – all those pointing fingers
- Page 40 – those beautiful girls in San Francisco’s Union Square – is there a more photogenic city?
- Page 42 right – sheer joy
Click the image for the book.
I have allotted a generous 15 seconds to each image to permit leisurely perusal. The show starts 15 seconds after the opening caption. Try and view this full screen on the largest display in your home. Small portable device displays do not do the images justice. The story behind the images appears on the last page.