Snaps – book review. Simply the funniest photographer ever.

Elliott Erwitt takes funny pictures. You could just write that and know all you need to about this compilation of a lifetime’s worth of humor.
For life without Erwitt would be a sadder place indeed – like going to New York and finding that Zabars is no more. Or passing through Los Angeles and discovering that the Atlas Sausage Shop is out of Kielbasa. Or visiting any Young’s pub in England only to find the beer is now served cold.
No matter that most of Erwitt’s pictures are posed. Unlike frauds like Capa’s dying Spanish soldier (the contact sheet has him managing to die six times in quick succession) or Smith’s Minamata child in her mother’s arms (carefully posed with artificial light under the guise of street reportage), or Thomas Hoepker’s execrable 9/11 money making fraud, Erwitt makes no pretense about his light hearted work and just lets you enjoy it.
And it is much harder to be a great comedian than a great dramatist, whether your chosen outlet is acting or photogaphy.
The only thing wrong with this book is that it has too many pictures in it. You really must savor a few at a time to avoid overload. And, mercifully, the narrative is a scant four of the five hundred and forty three pages.
Buy the hard back version. You will wear out the paperback in no time.
This is the work of a great photographer.