Maybe the worst connector out there.
You can find MicroUSB connectors in many devices, including digital cameras and Kindles.
My last three Kindles all failed after about a year of use. One developed a crazed screen and the other two ceased to be chargeable when their MicroUSB sockets failed. The part is not replaceable so the whole Kindle migrates from Paperwhite to paper weight.
The Micro USB connector is flimsy, very small and directional. Try and insert it the wrong way and damage results for the ham handed. Plugs rarely show any distinguishing marks and I have taken to painting a white dot on the top to avoid the daily struggle.
Now along comes a gadget which replaces the female (device end) MicroUSB socket with a magnetized adapter which remains in place, protruding a few millimeters. It even has an orientation LED.

Beating the awful MicroUSB socket.
Mine came from Amazon for under $10.
While there’s a green LED to indicate power is being supplied, it’s on one side of the connector only. You can connect the cable either way around and it will charge the Kindle properly. Nice.