This is a tough question.
When I was a kid my pictures were lousy.
The composition was poor.
The exposure was wrong.
The processing was worse.
And the subjects were uninspired.
Though I had a deep appreciation of the arts and many years of studying the masters of photography in my psyche, my pictures reflected little of this acquired knowledge.
I also used poor equipment because that is all a kid can afford.
Then I worked and saved mightily and my first Leica came along. This is the first picture ever taken on that Leica, on the day of purchase, August 2, 1971:

The light is just so, the exposure fine, the moment captured.
So what happened? Did I suddenly become a much better photographer because I used a Leica?
The answer is an unequivocal and resounding Yes.
You see, what happened here was that the very fact that I had inherited a duty of care, of quality and of accomplishment in the ownership of this magnificent instrument made me rise to the occasion. Every driver is a better driver in a Ferrari. Every rider rides better on a Ducati. And every photographer is a better photographer with a Leica.
So the conclusion of this short parable is simply this: Get the best camera you can afford. Stop making excuses about great pictures being taken on lousy equipment. They never were. The reality of that costly purchase will force you to become a better photographer too.