Visit twenty new photography sites daily
One of the great frustrations of finding new photography on the internet is not knowing where to look.
You read about a site here, a friend recommends one there, in other words pure serendipity.
Now the StumbleUpon tool may not remove the random chance aspect of the search, but it does at least make finding new work easy …. and enthralling. The tool plugs into the Firefox browser and appears in a menu bar like so:

If you don’t use Firefox you can download it free from the web. Mine runs on an Apple and it may even run on a Windows PC, though candidly I couldn’t care less whether it does or not as I do not care to use the deeply flawed Microsoft operating system. I prefer something that does not constantly lock up.
The picture above is a screenshot of Firefox from my iMac. Download the tool (, tell it you are interested in Photography and then click on the ‘Stumble!’ icon. You are taken to a random photography oriented web site. Click again and another site pops up. The rate of repetition is very low, so if you see something you like be sure to bookmark it.
Sites vary but the ratio seems to be about 80% photography: 20% technical instruction.
Every time I have Firefox on the screen I find myself heading for the Stumble! icon and discover wonderful images on many talented photographers’ web sites.