Isn’t the Internet wonderful?
Recent data on the locations of some of the visitors to this site – a truly global selection! Don’t worry, I do not know your identity, only the location of the reader.

Let me see. The United Kindom where I grew up and learned that most civilized of games, cricket. When Hermann Hesse wrote of ‘The Glass Bead Game’ he must have been thinking about Lords.
Baden-Wurttemberg which my mother visited in 1938 and always spoke of fondly.
Poland of course – now how do I recover those 14,000 acres stolen from my family?
Holland and many pleasant memories of a wonderful country and its great people.
Russia, may she stay free and hew to true democracy.
Italy, the center of art, design, culture, fashion – always has been, always will be.
South Korea – may you become one again after the brutal regime up north collapses, as it must.
Lebanon – may you find peace and prosperity.
New Zealand – haven of beauty and fine people.
Mauritius – is there anywhere more beautiful?
Switzerland – thank you for my Patek Philippe, (yes, Patek, the salesman of the two, was a Pole) an analog dream in a digital world.
But above all, here is to all of you, for photography is tuly the universal language.
Hmm, I betcha I’m your S. Korea hit.