A fine chronlogy, if factually flawed

I picked up my copy of this book a couple of years ago from overstock bookseller Edward R. Hamilton for a few dollars. It’s actually worth that sort of money.
This is the last place to go for factual accuracy regarding the various Leica models; I am no maven but could scarce find a page without several technical errors accompanying each of the illustrations of the many models of cameras made by Leitz over the years.
On the other hand, the book does a fine job of showcasing the work of some great photographers from Oscar Barnack, the inventor of the Leica (he was a fine photographer), down to modern times. Especially pleasant to see is the work of a couple of relatively unknown Italian photographers, probably attributable to the nationality of the Italian author, Alessandro Pasi.
And, technical errors apart, who can argue with the caption for the M3, first sold in 1954? “The turning point: Leica M3”.