Will this ever end?
Having made the thirty framed prints for my one man show in April, it remained to make another twenty or so for unmounted display in the saw horses provided by the gallery.
A day of cranking away on the Hewlett Packard DesignJet printer and the content was ready.
So, yet another big box of mounts and mats arrives from the fine folks at Documounts, and out comes the sharp knife for trimming the mounting tissue to size, the press for mounting the prints, the glassine bags for storing the completed ‘sandwich’ and before you know it the place looks pretty much shot:

I had the idea of attaching a Certificate of Authenticity to each print as these are limited to 25 each, and it looks like this:

So that means messing about with spray-on glue and the attendant isssues that poses – mostly trying not to pass out from the awful smell of the stuff.
I mention all of this because if you think making a Book is tough, you should try having your own show of Really Large Prints. And yes, ever willing to participate in the pretentiousness of others, all my prints are dutifully described as Giclée in the accompanying brochure.