A fool and his money are easily parted
No sooner do I go on about Solutions looking for Problems than along comes this dusie (that’s short for Duesenberg, if you really care) from Logitech, a company which actually makes some fairly decent peripherals for iPods and the like:

Yes, it’s none other than the Logitech Aperture Keyboard, which gets my first annual SLOP (Solution Looking for a Problem) award. As you will see, the pristine clarity of Apple’s keyboard has been obliterated with what can only be droppings from a passing bird, purportedly in the interest of helping you remember which key does what in Aperture.
Now, given that the hot keys I use for Aperture are limited to a handful – Z for Zoom, H for HUD, ~ for the Loupe being the dominant ones – you expect me to buy this excresence because I struggle remembering three keys? Probably ideal for all those US public school graduates who never got to the Reading part of the syllabus (you know them – they are the ones with risk free government jobs and inflation-weighted pensions which we all pay for), preferring instead to listen to their iPods.
Let’s see, what could you do with $99? How about driving 1,000 miles in search of that great picture instead? Put it towards a proper tripod so that you can finally see what your lens can do? Make a few big prints for friends?
Nah. Get that keyboard instead. Guaranteed to make you a better photographer.