A great web page plugin for iPhoto
Having just upgraded to iPhoto 7 (or iPhoto ’08 as it is also known) it was time to upgrade to the latest version of Better HTML Export, a plugin that integrates seamlessly with iPhoto and permits creation of elegant web site pages in a jiffy.
It’s what I use most of the time for my web site. Use the DP Polaframe template, as I do, and you present the user with a minimum of clutter, constant placement of directional buttons and, best of all, the ability to just click on a full-sized picture to go to the next one. Anything that makes navigation difficult makes for one-time visitors.
The upgrade is free to registered users (and well worth $20 for new users) and Better HTML export has many different templates available. It’s great that they keep it current – something you might not expect from their frightul looking web site. Why not use iWeb from Apple? Well, for my purposes, this plugin does the trick and I want a consistent look and feel for my site, not a hodge podge of frames and colors.
Now is this clean and simple or what?