And Shakespeare had an expensive pen.
That’s what I heard when a friend (?) was looking at some of my photos on the wall the other day and I confess it’s not the first time I have heard this sort of silliness. (Not the ‘Great pictures’ bit – I can live with that).
And while I continue to maintain that good gear makes a good photographer better, it will never save a bad one.
Well, this time I did respond with the Shakespeare crack but it was lost on my audience, which probably begs the question why I was showing this person my snaps in the first place. Then again, you cannot control your audience, and I suppose all publicity is good.
Great car. You must be a great driver.
Great woman. You must be a great lover.
Great kitchen. You must be a fabulous cook.
Oh! dear….

Peeking. Canon 5D, 24-105mmL zoom.