The Declaration of Independence needs to be respected again.

John Trumbull. Declaration of Independence, with timely annotations.
First, we shoot all the lawyers …. then move on to the bums running California.
I’m off to take some snaps. Let’s hope the Pigs leave me alone this time. Just in case, I’ll take a fistful of used notes. Dollar notes.

Pigs. Leica M2, 35mm Summaron.
This Pig asked for my roll of film. I gave him an empty one. Pig.
Motto: Always carry a give-away roll of film or CF card on you.
Why did they want your film? And do they have that authority? What would have happend if you said no? I don’t think there is a law that supports that unless it’s buried in the partiot act somewhere?
This was taken in 1999 before the Patriot Act. Pigs are Pigs. A little power is a dangerous thing and these people come from the same socio-economic class as the criminals they seek to capture.
Far better to give a Pig useless stuff than to antagonize him and end up in the slammer. It’s just too costly to prove you are right.