A superb book.

The most beautiful women.
The world’s greatest art.
The finest fashions.
The most beautiful cars.
The magic of opera.
The best wines.
The most sublime architecture.
The deepest possible contempt for government and taxes.
The realization that you work to live, not vice versa.
And if that wasn’t enough, why not throw in the most gorgeous landscapes?
That is Italy and to say that the photography in this large book is spectacular is to do the photographers – Antonio Attini and Marcello Bertinetti (names to conjur with!) – an injustice.
No fewer than 423 pages grace this book which comes with a DVD of the Alps. Aptly enough, the foreword is by Franco Zeffirelli, and if you haven’t seen a Zeffirelli staging of an Italian opera, well, you haven’t lived.
Mine came from Edward R Hamilton, a tad shopworn, for $19.95, DVD included. Sure, they don’t take web orders but at that price, what’s your hurry? Get an envelope and a stamp. And don’t ask. Just go out right now and get this fabulous book.
As an adjunct, if you want to learn how Brunelleschi worked his magic on the dome in Florence, add this while you are at it.