Even better
When I first wrote about Helicon Focus some five months ago, an improved Mac version was “….2 weeks away” – the developer’s words, not mine.
Helicon Focus (mine is the ‘Pro’ version) allows you to stitch together a collection of differentially focused images, taking the sharp zones from each to make an overall sharp composite with seemingly vast depth of field.
Well, my version (3.79) has just been updated to 4.0.1 and it does a better job on really tough images.
Here’s the rendering of the 10 images of the silk flower I originally used to show what this magic application can do:

A composite of ten images. 5D, 100mm macro at f/2.8. Helicon Focus Pro Version 3.79
The flower was both very close to the image plane in the camera and at an acute angle thereto.
And here is the composite image assembled from the same ten original images using 4.0.1:

The composite image assembled with Helicon Focus Pro 4.0.1
The differences are clear – in fact the developer used my images to test the new version after I had submitted them for review.
Congratulations to Danylo and his team – it was not for nothing that this journal named Helicon Focus the best application of 2008. And it was worth the wait!
Anyone using the best in digital gear – full frame or medium format – involved in industrial or close-up photography should have this application on his Mac or PC. That and a sturdy tripod to make sure the camera does not move between exposures. Your clients will love you.