Some more snaps
To read the whole series on the Panasonic G1, click here

Derelict. G1, 14-45mm @ 14mm, 1/100, f/9, ISO 250, RAW image processed in LR 2.4

Macho dog. G1, 14-45mm @ 36mm, 1/640, f/9, ISO 250, RAW image processed in LR 2.4

Beautiful family. G1, 14-45mm @ 33mm, 1/250, f/8, ISO 250, RAW image processed in LR 2.4
Some early idea of what the G1 can do. I dropped by the local Army & Navy store, filled with ex-Marines reliving fun times in Basra and Fallujah, and picked up a belt bag (excuse me, ammunition holder) for the G1 from the Chinese (!) proprietor. It’s a second’s work to whip it out, switch on and snap. I have found it best to switch the camera off when stuffing it in the bag, as buttons are all to easily depressed, messing up my default settings if it’s left on. As the G1 comes to life instantly once switched on it’s no big deal – just a habit to learn and easily done as the camera is removed from the belt bag. My wrist strap has yet to arrive and I’m not missing it, using the G1 strapless. I’m certainly not about to fit the shoulder strap with that awful ‘Lumix’ embroidered logo. The right hand finger grip and thumb pad on the top right rear are engineered perfectly.
One warning – the G1’s sensor is more prone to blowing out highlights than the 5D’s so a little under-exposure is no bad thing:

Detail is just holding in the street lamp’s globe here – after a tweak in LR 2.4
Of course, the lens everyone is waiting for and something to drool about:

The rumored Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 ‘Pancake’ lens for the G1
Let’s hope Panny gets with the program on this long delayed optic. And if that does not wet your appetite, there’s also a 45mm f/2.8 Macro with IS rumored to be coming some day.