A real dog
Coming from David Pogue, the New York Times’s technology writer with a knack for making the technical understandable, is a review of the new Olympus EP-1.

Click the picture for the review
Well, sorry to say, the camera is an awful disappointment, and an expensive one at that. No viewfinder, horribly slow focusing (Panasonic refused to share its superbly fast focus technology from the G1 with Olympus) and, yes, you guessed it, miserable shutter lag. Hard to understand why anyone would waste the development budget on a camera which, while adding interchangeable lenses to a small body, otherwise does absolutely nothing to conquer the three bugbears of compact point-and-shoots.
An LCD screen passing as a ‘viewfinder’, slow focus and shutter lag.
And, at $800, considerably more than the G1 which, for a little more bulk, has none of these problems.
A real dog.
And thank you, Mr. Pogue, for pulling no punches.
Where is the genius of the company that gave us the stunningly original Pen F half frame SLR or the ‘better mousetrap’ of the Olympus OM1 full frame film SLR under designer Maitani?
Yes. I saw this article and I have been enjoying your series of G1 reviews and reports. I am looking to move up to a more capable camera from my Nikon P5100. Both your postings and Joe Wigwall’s (http://www.flickr.com/photos/joewig/) recent move to the G1 have made the G1 to be my candidate new camera. Thanks for the good postings on the G1
You should see the number of EP-1 on used-equipment sale just after the first month of release here in Singapore