Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam eggs and spam.
Putting aside the Monthy Python quote, above, readers using an RSS feed (such as Google Reader, NetNewsWire, Vienna, etc.) will have noticed that yesterday’s postings had summaries inundated with spam. This spam appears to advertise stimulants which readers here have no need of, this blog offering a natural high.
This is what it looks like:

Mercifully, my RSS feed only contains a brief extract of the posting so the schmuck who did this doesn’t get his click-through link to show up. I reposted the piece under a different name but no joy. The same spam in the summary field showed up.
Some very smart people are on to this and I found the fix on Anwyn’s Blog which I recommend if your blog is similarly afflicted.
Suffice it to say that the problem is fixed and the revised posting of yesterday’s piece now looks like this in the RSS reader:

Unfortunately, there’s no way of deleting individual articles from the RSS history but at least newer pieces are now shown without spam, viz: