There’s a reason for that.
Apple just opened its App Store for the Mac, but to get at it you must first update to OS 10.6.6 (free).
The update places an App Store icon in your dock, thus:

The format of the AppStore remains the same, confused, poorly laid out and hard to find one used in the iTunes store and the iPad/iPhone App Store:

And if you like photo processing software that is buggy, slow, needs costly hardware to run and may well lose your pictures, you can now get it cheaper than ever. It’s Apple’s Aperture brought to you by the company which never discounts its software. Aperture started life at $499, dropped to $299, dropped to $199 (and kept dropping photos from your catalog) and has now crashed, like the Mac you are using it on, to …. $79.99.

So now you can lose your pictures for less than ever before. Now if you had a crappy product you needed to sell to keep the developers on board, would you be increasing the price? Hardly.
For those seeking to escape the tyranny of Aperture (I exited at v2.0, ten times bitten twice shy) you can see my piece on how to escape here. Lightroom continues to be bog reliable, fast, ever better with new noise reduction and distortion controls in v3 and doesn’t need a supercomputer to run fast. It never locks up for this user. Lightroom is $300 and given that it works, it’s worth a boatload more.
Think things have improved in Aperture v3? Think again. Here’s today’s screen snap from the Apple Discussion Board – notice anything?

Grumbling aside, the OS X AppStore is a move in the right direction, should expand the market for independent developers’ work and adopts the ‘register once, buy easily thereafter’ model familiar to every iPhone and iPad user. That part is well engineered and there is no evidence to suggest that Apple is lying when it says it does not sell your ID.
And you know the best thing about it? It runs perfectly on the best OS X machine made, a HackPro, and supports that third monitor just fine.

Finally, for those of you in high sales tax jurisdictions, buy from the AppStore and you will be charged sales tax. Buy direct from the developer and you will not pay any. Hey, it’s your choice.