A neat frame designer.
Users of Photoshop CS4 or CS5 who like to add frames to their electronic images should rush over to Joe Colson’s site and download his FrameShop script.
Once installed and with an image loaded in PS, you click on it in the File->Scripts menu and set your choices as Joe explains in his well written piece.
It works well. Steve Jobs said “No one reads any more” (right before introducing the iPad!); he would have been closer to the mark with “Nobody prints any more” and this script does the trick for members of that class who like a polished presentation for their online work. Here’s an example which took seconds to do:

5D, 85mm, f/8, Novatron studio flash.
Thank you Gregg L for the tip.
Update March 2015: The script has now been updated to work with Photoshop CC and continues to work fine with my version of CS5.