It’s here and it works.
The last two days were not pretty. The resident Border Terrier wisely kept a low profile while curses flew hither and yonder from the office while his guide and master got the two Hackintoshes to make nice with OS X 10.7.2. You know, the iCloud version. Throw in an iPad, a MacMini, the Apple TV and, tommorow, the iPhone 4S and we can truly say that the old manse is set for the latest and greatest.
Sure, there were issues. The usual hacking ones, which I have only Apple to blame for (because their desktop hardware sucks, and I refuse to use it, preferring Hackintoshes), and the whacked Apple servers delivering all this software goodness – mostly not delivering it, that is – for which someone at Apple should be shot. Twice. I mean, you have $100 billion at the local usurer’s (a.k.a. your neighborhood bank, which you and I just bailed out) and you can’t ramp up for this? Please. How expensive is land in North Carolina anyway?
But there is Magic in the air.
Imagine this.
You fire up the Big Machine in the office. The one with terabytes of storage. You clue it into the iCloud and pick up the iPad, the Border T. at your side on the sofa. And, my Oh! my, the ‘tunes’ are all there seconds later …. You touch one and direct it to play on the Apple TV attached to the LCD screen and its ancient tube amplifier and thirty year old Bowers & Wilkins speakers (a touch Steve would appreciate – ‘British and Best’ as my mum used to say), you pour the evening libation, tickle the pup’s ear and the music plays, the album art displays and you are thinking that maybe the world is not such a bad place.
Especially when the pianists playing four handed on the two big Steinway Ds are the Labèque sisters. And if you have no concept of the benefits of Italian and French parentage, just look:

The Labèque sisters.
Next, pictures.
The iCloud is here and it’s Magic.
Thanks, Steve
Disclosure: Long AAPL 2012 call options..