There’s one born every minute.
Hard to know where to begin when writing about this scam:

Click the picture for the article.
It’s unclear whether the ‘artist’ shared in the spoils – let’s hope so as that makes the whole thing just funnier to contemplate, but I can’t help but quote him:
He said he “carried this idea for a picture around with me for a year-and-a-half”.
I usually trash my losers right after loading the files into Lightroom, but this one wouldn’t even have lasted that long, as I can’t see why anyone would waste time taking it in the first place.
Scummy ‘art dealers’ like Larry Gagosian get away with this sort of thing, selling crap to insecure hedge fund managers desperate to show their wealth on the walls, but that sort of sum could get you a few decent Degas sketches as a minimum.
A fool and his money ….
Sales pitch from Christie’s:
Be sure to listen to the sales pitch linked by Arun Gupta in his Comment, below. For sheer chutzpah, it rivals the picture.
Here is the sales pitch:
Pfew! It is nice to know that I am not alone, I was beginning to wonder.