A great front end.
iTunes U, which makes sound and video lectures avalable at no charge, had been available through iTunes on laptops and desktops for many years on both Macs and Windows PCs. Lost in the announcement and hype surrounding iBooks Author earlier in the week was the release of an iOS version of iTunes U which brings content to mobile devices.
The universities found here include the Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn, Brown, and Cornell and, yes, I checked with my ten year old that I got the list right), MIT, Oxbridge and many other US and UK establishments. Here’s the first page from searching on ‘Photography’:

The app is free. So is the content. Isn’t that wonderful? K-12 content is also growing which would trouble me mightily were I an US Teachers’ Union official. Now children can get private school quality at public school prices.
I’m loading up on this series:

If you have an AppleTV you can use mirroring to send output to your TV or powered speakers where the ATV is connected.
Thanks, this is a great find!