Keeping the grey cells working.
Churchill called it his Black Dog, referring to his recurring depressions occurring, as often as not, during his long period out of power in the Thirties. A wanton Europe, choosing to disregard his warnings as the blatherings of a warmonger, was the catalyst.
And while the man most certainly is my hero, it’s nothing to do with politics, a subject which leaves me cold. Rather it’s because I greatly admire his liberal spirit which, despite a grounding in seemingly extraordinary privilege, was ever his guiding principle, suitably governed by a doting and caring spouse. Throw in a work ethic one can only dream of emulating and you have a man for all time.
I write of this because I, too, am a victim of Black Dog, but not for one moment do I ask for sympathy. In fact, I consider that rabid canine one of the great drivers in life. I owe a great deal to that foul hound. You see, the only way I know to avoid his ravenous appetite is to work. Work hard. Keep busy. Do whatever your limited talents permit, but always work. Hard. And I don’t mean any of that nonsense where you run around in circles in footer bags trying to kick a ball. I mean exercising that worthless mass between your ears, bestowed upon you by your parents.
I was reflecting on this when contemplating my new-found enthusiasm for full frame, this time realized by in the clutches of the Nikon D700. ‘Been there, done that’ with the fabulous Canon 5D, of course. Hate the weight, mass, ugliness, noise, gaucheness. But there’s no denying the effortless quality. So I didn’t exactly go crazy with the pocketbook/wallet, but have in short order accumulated the following:
- Nikon D700 body, used
- 16-24mm Alphabet-Soup Nikon lens, also makes tea and World Peace, new
- 50mm f/2 Nikkor-H pre-AI MF (my ‘David Hemmings‘ lens), used
- 85mm f/1.8D Nikkor Auto everything, used
- 200mm f/4 Nikkor pre-AI MF, used, the cost of a few Big Macs
- 300mm f/4.5 ED IF AIS MF, well used
And the need to justify the existence of that little lot is what drives me and keeps Black Dog at bay. Most victims pay for shrinks. I buy some new gear and bang away. And when it gets old I dump it, starting again.
It’s a heck of a lot more fun and cheaper than paying a guy who asks you what you really feel.

Daffs. No more Black Dog. D700, 300mm f/4.5 Nikkor wide open.
And to avoid infecting you with BD, I promise to publish no more flower pictures.