America’s genius writ large.

Click the picture.
Try to watch this on a big screen. It is in equal parts breathtaking and deeply moving.
Today, our small minded leaders, ever keen to do what gets them reelected rather than do what is good, saw fit to cancel this visionary work. A shame on them and a shame on all us voters who allowed this to happen.
When an America president said we would put a man on the moon within ten years, he did not feel it necessary to ask the American people for permission. He was elected to lead and to espouse a vision of possibilities. In the event, America did it in seven years and the world became a better place.
To put this in perspective, once your pulse rate has steadied, once your objective mind has reflected on what ideals can accomplish, watch the following piece on American exceptionalism; you will be crying again, but for different reasons (refresh the page if not visible):
Click to play.