Book review.
From Chapter 5:

This is a gripping read, not least for nuggets like the above where Edwin Land, the creator of the Polaroid camera, forsees the cell phone as we know it today.
Inventors like Land come along once a century. In the 19th it was Thomas Edison. In the 20th, Edwin Land.

Click the book for Amazon US. I do not get paid if you do that.
I got the Kindle edition and the pictures are both poorly reproduced and wrongly formatted. Get the hard copy version.
I have experienced the thrill of seeing a black & white print appear in a tray of developer under a red safety light. I enjoy the immediacy of digital almost daily. But nothing compares with the sheer magic of watching a Polaroid SX-70 color image appear in your hand some sixty seconds after the print has emerged from the camera.
This book is a must read for anyone interested in photography and awed by a genius who made the last great photographic invention of the analog era.