Looking back.
Continuing from parts I and II.
September 29 – The annual dog parade always yields a cornucopia of material and in addition to publishing several snaps I disclosed here, for the first time to a global audience, my vote in the 2012 US Presidential Election.

October 13 – The Marin headlands provide their own rugged beauty as well as affording some of the most splendid views of San Francisco.

October 30 – Equipment maketh the man, and it appears that it’s just about impossible to make bad pictures with the 180mm AF-D Nikkor lens. Mine’s a bit of a beater but the optics are outstanding in every way at any aperture.
October 31 – This year’s Christmas calendar featured pictures taken over many years of the Transamerica building.
November 9 – SF’s Mission District yields riches on a stroll with the 24mm Nikkor.

November 23 – Sometimes you get lucky. An innocuous shot of a short order cook took on a deeper mysterious theme when processed.
December 22 – I reminisced about my Crown Graphic view camera and published a snap or two taken with that monster.

December 25 – Beautiful kids beautifully dressed offer subject matter for the 180mm Nikkor.

September 5 – Cindy Sherman‘s work was exhibited at SF’s MoMA and the show was splendid, showing this talented woman’s output over several decades.
October 15 – The Radical Camera show at SF’s Contemporary Jewish Museum did a fine job of displaying the work of the New York Photo League.
November 30 – Not all great wealth has to emulate the crass boorishness of a Trump, as this gorgeous advertisement from a premier watch maker proves.
December 5 – O. Winston Link’s railway images continue to delight and satisfy.
September 26 – The iPhone 5 arrived and proved that changes at the margin are all that’s in store from the former innovators at Apple. A slightly better camera in a decidedly underwhelming device.
September 30 – The month closed with some gorgeous photography in Ralph Lauren’s clothing catalog.
October 9 – The Nikon D2x, at very low cost, joined the D700 chez Pindelski.

November 12 – proving that there’s one born every minute, Leica continues to make silly priced gear for silly people. Get this. $10,000 and it can’t even do color. “But dahling, the greys, the tones ….”.
November 29 – Finally, someone has made a full frame point-and-shoot. Unfortunately, Sony forgot to include a proper viewfinder.
December 26 – DxO Viewpoint offers a better mousetrap for fixing keystoning at a bearable price.