Plenty of barking coming from this truck.
Panny GX7, 17mm Zuiko.
Plenty of barking coming from this truck.
Panny GX7, 17mm Zuiko.
K9 rules!
This is straight-out-of-camera … errr, iPhone 6.
The iPhone opted to turn HDR on and, as is clear, a tremendous dynamic range is retained. The iPhone also opted for a very low ISO and examination of the 1:1 image in Lightroom confirms that a perfect 13″ x 19″ print would be trivial to make. An outstanding camera.
And yes, only Beverly Hills police have cleaner cars. As Woody Allen once put it, BH is so clean because they put all their garbage on television.
The Bella Luna clothing store on Broadway in Burlingame is tiny; I doubt you could stretch your arms out and not hit the walls of the shortest dimension, yet it has been here for years and seems to be doing fine. There’s an Atget feeling to this snap which I enjoy.
Panny GX7, 45mm Zuiko.
Looking down.
Marketers use these perfect body models to advertise their workout places. Good luck emulating that.
Panny GX7, 45mm Zuiko at f/3.2.