The best cars, the finest food and the most beautiful women.

Forza Italia!
iPhone6 snap.
The best cars, the finest food and the most beautiful women.
Forza Italia!
iPhone6 snap.
The address not given.
Quite the worst part of my son’s middle school Commencement ceremony yesterday was the execrable address given by the Principal. Laced with the usual platitudes about equality and inclusiveness, it was an exercise in toeing the party line …. and saying nothing at all.
Here’s what should have been said:
“Graduates! Â Congratulations!
Each of you is the beneficiary of the finest public schooling there is to be had. My son Winston is fortunate indeed to be amongst your number today.
But today, rather than building on your warm feelings of success and relief at having survived these past three years, I want to speak to you about but two things: Â
Risk and Success.
Risk is about making a decision where the outcome is uncertain or unknown. Â It’s about doing what you believe in and hang the consequences. Â Only if you take Risk will you live a full life, one to be proud of. Â Taking Risk is not about winning or beating the other guy. Â It’s about having the courage to fail and fail you will often in your long lives. Â You will all fail many times but accepting and taking Risk will make those lives full and successful. Â And only by taking Risks can you Succeed.
A life devoid of Risk is existing, not living, Â Do what you believe in, have a passion for that belief and you will come out a winner in the game of life.
Each one of you has some hidden set of skills superior to everyone else in this wonderful audience today. Â Yet, if you take no Risk, if you dare not fail, those skills will remain buried and you will not enjoy a life well lived.
When Winston Churchill, having just won the War and lost the Election, returned to his High School to give the Commencement Address, the hallowed hall at Harrow School was packed to the rafters. Winston had barely scraped a passing grade from Harrow some 60 years earlier. “We have come to hear Winston speak” they all said to a man.
Churchill arose, walked portentously to the dais, and gave the shortest speech of his life.
“Never, never, never give up”.
Then he sat down ….
He had taken massive Risks in his political life.  He had made equally massive errors.  He had failed so many times that most of his contemporaries had written him off.  Then he took one more Risk.  Appointed Prime Minister in 1940 he Risked all in his faith in the British and American people.  With a British father and an American mother, no leader was better suited to the task of defeating Nazism, the greatest evil of the past century.  Had he not taken that Risk, Success would not have been his and we would all be speaking German today.  Winston succeeded.
Let me share with you some thoughts about Success.
Success is not about money. Â
It is not about power. Â
It is not about wealth or possessions. Â
Success is doing the very best with the many talents you, as a member of the human race, have been endowed with.
The divine spark which will make you a Success resides in every one of you. Â Light the fire. Â Let it burn!
Go out into the world, take Risks, do your best and never, never, never give up. Â And Success will be yours.”
By a master of the landscape.
Jack Dykinga has been featured here a decade ago and his work in the American west continues to define the standard for landscape photography.
Dykinga works with film in 4″ x 5″ field cameras using the finest Schneider lenses, and it shows. While film in small sizes is largely the province of cranks and those who place little value on their time – not to mention the quality of the results – the use of large format sheet film is thoroughly justified in this case. High pixel count digital sensors may be the thing for landscape snappers today, but it’s hard to beat the sheer plasticity of Dykinga’s results. Add an expert’s eye and you have a book to wonder at. There is absolutely nothing dated about the images on display here.
Long discontinued, it’s abundantly available from Amazon and resellers like Abe Books.
At the National Cemetery, SF.
The military always puts on a great show on Memorial Day at San Francisco’s National Cemetery, and today was no exception. This being the 50th anniversary of the Viet Nam war the crowds were heavy, complete with TV crews. Ugh!
A stiff breeze, with the GGB still in the mist.
Regimental flags.
Grim database.
Family affair.
Vintage cars from the WW2 era.
Young recruit steers a classic Willys Jeep.
In memoriam.
Zooed, with the Mayor present.
Keeping Hishonner safe is not cheap. Alcatraz behind.
Flower vendor.
All snapped on two Panny GX7s, mounting that estimable pair the 14-45mm and 45-200mm Panny compact MFT zooms. These optics may be almost a decade old yet continue to provide a broad and versatile focal length range while weighing (and costing!) little.