The best paper in the world.
When I was a lad the definitive source for news was the UK Times of London. Then a common vulgarian took it over and editorial comment was misrepresented as news.
That same vulgarian acquired the Wall Street Journal a few years ago and my many reporter friends there wrote me in despair that the same would happen again. I begged them to give it a chance. I was wrong. Scum is scum and the paper went in the toilet. My 30 year subscription was cancelled.
Now that we have a like vulgarian mismanaging the United States, we keep hearing how the US Newspaper of Record is “fake news”. Given the paranoiac grifter in the Oval Office can always be guaranteed to say the exact opposite of the truth, this only strengthens the argument for subscribing to the New York Times. If you value quality journalism then the New York Times deserves your money, as does the cause of democracy in our great republic.
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