Greed redefined.
You can get a top quality BenQ 27″ monitor, with stand for $600:

The 27″ calibrated BenQ monitor.
Apple however Thinks Different and has determined that not only will its new monitor sell for $5000 (likely using a regular LG panel) but wants you to pony up an extra $1000 for the stand ….

The $1000 stand for the $5000 monitor.
Either Apple has concluded that their professional customers base is, you know, stoopid, or they need a new CEO. Heck, they have needed a new CEO, someone who occasionally has an original idea, since Steve passed.
As for myself, I use a 30″ Apple LCD monitor in its elegant aluminum case which I bought used 5 years ago for $400. It calibrates nicely using a puck and is a joy to behold. And yes, it came with a stand included.

The elegant 30″ Apple LCD monitor.