More than meets the eye.
Apple tells us that the exciting ultrawide (UWA) lens in the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro is fixed focus. At 1.3mm focal length (13mm FFE) that’s hardly a limiting factor. Looking at SOOC images from the UWA, everything is indeed sharp from some 6″ to infinity.
This SOOC image testifies to that:

The loudspeaker is 6″ from the UWA lens. No distortion correction applied.
But a quick look at this image in Focos discloses that a full depth map is saved with the photo, and it’s a matter of a second to change focus from ultra close to infinity, thus:

Focus alternatively on the speaker and at infinity, using Focos.
Distortion removed using my lens correction profile.
Is the definition any better? No. It’s identical. Are the creative possibilities great? You betcha! Can your $10,000 full frame DSLR do this? Nope.
iPhone 11 Pro.