Monthly Archives: November 2019

A first Deep Fusion test

Not that obvious.

With the introduction of iOS 13.2 Apple has enabled Deep Fusion for the cameras in the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro. For an explanation of how this works click here. Note that Deep Fusion does not work with the ultrawide lens; it’s limited to the normal and telephoto. You must also turn off “Photo capture outside the frame” in Camera Settings. Finally, Deep Fusion does not work in burst mode and requires a current top of the line iPhone, meaning the 11 or 11 Pro.

By sampling and combining the best parts of multiple images Deep Fusion claims to further improve the already stellar results from the iPhone 11’s camera. It’s not easy to test, however, as it only kicks in with moderately lit subjects and there’s no indication that it’s working.

To compare results, I took one indoor image using iOS 13.1, downloaded the update, and took a second image with iOS 13.2, the one with Deep Fusion.

Here’s the original:

Before and after exposures and ISOs were identical. No processing was applied in Lightroom.

Here is the center of the image magnified to a print size of 60″ x 80″:

Regular (left) and Deep Fusion images.

There is just a little more detail (and less aggressive sharpening by the iPhone) in the butterfly’s wings in the Deep Fusion version, less smearing and slightly lower contrast.

Now let’s take a look at the shadows nearer the edge:

Regular (left) and Deep Fusion images.

Again there is a very small gain in definition but a significant reduction in grain and less smearing of the detail. Contrast in the Deep Fusion version is again lower.

So does Deep Fusion improve things? Yes. Is that improvement really significant? No.

But the above – these are enormous enlargements – confirm that the days of gargantuan sensors are numbered. A pinhead sized sensor combining multiple images shows barely any grain and more definition than any photographer looking at a 30″ display will ever need. Unlike on your DSLR, that sensor is dust and waterproof. As for web publication, it bears repeating: No one needs more than 3mp.

The New York Capitol

Downtown Albany.

Built in the Romanesque Revival style, and eschewing the dome common to so many capitol buildings, the New York State Capitol took 32 years to build, and was completed in 1899. This being New York, a state which has perfected thieving of the public purse, today’s construction cost would be $750 million. A multi-year restoration was completed in 2014 and the building is beautiful to behold.

The first image was taken from the steps of the Education building, across the road.

iPhone 11 Pro. The second image on the ultrawide lens, with my lens correction profile applied in LR.

iPhone 11 ultrawide lens and focus

More than meets the eye.

Apple tells us that the exciting ultrawide (UWA) lens in the iPhone 11 and 11 Pro is fixed focus. At 1.3mm focal length (13mm FFE) that’s hardly a limiting factor. Looking at SOOC images from the UWA, everything is indeed sharp from some 6″ to infinity.

This SOOC image testifies to that:

The loudspeaker is 6″ from the UWA lens. No distortion correction applied.

But a quick look at this image in Focos discloses that a full depth map is saved with the photo, and it’s a matter of a second to change focus from ultra close to infinity, thus:

Focus alternatively on the speaker and at infinity, using Focos.
Distortion removed using my lens correction profile.

Is the definition any better? No. It’s identical. Are the creative possibilities great? You betcha! Can your $10,000 full frame DSLR do this? Nope.

iPhone 11 Pro.