The furnace cools.
Our daytime highs in Scottsdale, Arizona have finally dipped under 100F after the hottest September on record. So it’s time to dust the old bike off, fire her up and get on the road. Early. When it’s still below 80F.
Sadly, the cooler weather also brings out the Deplorables, white trash on Harleys with loud exhausts and even louder stereos. But the Airhead rider needs none of these things to commune with machine and nature.

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Later, at the local Shell, it’s strictly 93 octane high test. While the compression ratio of the two valve, 900cc air cooled motor is a relatively modest 9.5:1, by modern standards, computerized ignition advance and knock sensors were but a far away dream in 1975 when the machine left the Berlin factory. Whack the throttle open at 4,000rpm and you will hear a ping or two from the motor as it protests your brutality. There’s really no call for that sort of behavior on a classic machine. Other than that, all is sweetness and light.

1975 BMW R90/6. 43.7mpg. 60hp. 93 octane.
iPhone11 Pro snaps.