Another great privacy enhancement from Apple.
Sign up for a new online service and the one thing you can be almost certain of is that next day’s email inbox will be inundated with spam. The reason is that the scummy vendor of the service you just signed up for – and most are scummy – just sold your email address to some other bottom feeder.
The other day I was signing up to a streaming service and I knew that these predators would immediately sell my email address. It’s lost somewhere in the ‘Terms of Service’ fine print which the scummy vendor had his scummy laywers write. Calling this a ‘service’ is like claiming the invasion of Ukraine was a denazification move.
Anyway, as I moved the cursor to the email field, iOS on my iPhone asked whether I wanted to hide my email, and I replied ‘Yes’. It issued me a fake email address which will be the one the scummy vendor sees and the one I signed up with …. immediately to be sold. The snag for Mr. Scummy is that anyone he sells this fake email to who emails me will have that email bounced as only emails from the original vendor will be filtered through to my inbox, using my regular email address which is visible only to Apple. And, indeed, that’s what happened – one confirming email from Mr. Scummy and nothing from his scummy pals.

Beating Mr. Scummy. Click the image for the full explanation from Apple.
Recommended for all your sign-ups. As a default assume that anytime you enter your email online that it will be sold – unless the vendor is Apple.