Runaway winner of the 2006 Bad Taste award.
Kitsch is a German word used to describe taste so bad that you have to laugh that someone actually paid money for the item involved.
A friend (?) sent me a picture of this execrable excrescence, knowing full well it would incur my wrath. It looks too real to be a piece of Photoshop work. I was in two minds whether to share it in this journal but felt I had a duty to disclose. If you are thinking of doing this to your Leica, or maybe have already done so, please cease reading this journal. You are emphatically not a welcome reader of a journal noted for its good taste.
Before scrolling down to see the picture, please make sure you do so on an empty stomach.
The nominee shown here has to be the runaway winner of the 2006 Kitsch Award. And the year isn’t even over yet. There is no accounting what more money than taste will do.
Now you will have to scroll down – if you have the courage.

No, that’s not your imagination. That really is a yellow Leica