Who wrote this claptrap?
Sometimes you have to think that anyone can make a living in the great country that is the USA. After all, Kodak just paid some fool in advertising to blow $50,000 of their rapidly disappearing shareholder’s equity to run this monumental piece of garbage in today’s Wall Street Journal:

Let’s pause to analyze what is wrong:
- The audience demographic is completely wrong
- There’s not a product in sight
- There is no message
- When you read that “The emotional truth of pictures is under attack”, you quickly conclude that the best use for this page is as a barf bag
You can only agree with the second paragraph. As have the markets:

But worst of all, Kodak, what on earth was wrong with that brilliant little ditty you paid copywriters for a hundred years ago? It goes something like this:
Simple. Magic. Still works well. Saves ink and shareholders’ money, too. Shame on you, Kodak.