Not half bad.

M3, 50mm Canon f/1.4 LTM and a BIG print.
After the interminable wait for the scans to come back from the photo lab – sometimes I just hate film – they finally arrived 9 days after mailing in my Dropbox account and I duly downloaded the Noritsu HQ scans into LRc and immediately added EXIF data. I generally search the LRc catalog by lens used as that seems to work best for my memory.
What makes a lens ‘good’? For me I care little about resolution charts, coma tests, distortion measurements, you name it. What I want is a high resolution print at 13″ x 19″ in size, often cropped from just 50% of the original. Using that criterion the Canon 50mm f/1.4 LTM lens adapted to my Leica M3 is a fine lens indeed.
Here are some results, all on pokey 100 ISO Kodak Ektar. It may be slow but the grain is very fine indeed and the reds are the closest thing to Kodachrome since Kodachrome.

Barista girl. 1/15th, f/1.4. Ektar is sloooow!
Bench. f/8.
Local barber’s shop.
I couldn’t but think of Stieglitz’s famous Wall Street image.
Near-Kodachrome reds. Click the image for a larger version.
In the style of Keld Helmer Petersen.
More Keld.
Hard hat place.
If you do not want to spend megabucks on a Leica 50mm lens, the affordable Canon 50mm f/1.4 LTM optic is recommended.