No clutter.
For an index of articles on art illustrators, click here.
While there is a myriad of filters available for most post-processing photo applications, the one which is missing is ‘de-clutter’. You know, something that takes out all the noise in most photographed images and renders a clean whole. It’s something that Henri Cartier-Bresson was so adept at accomplishing ‘in camera’. Few photographers since have learned that skill.
The advantage a graphics illustrator has over the photographer is that he can de-clutter to his heart’s content, image composition and content aggregation being one and the same. Such a one is Parisian illustrator Tom Haugomat, and while the image below has a special place in my soul, for I am a long time motorcycle rider, it’s just one of many that Haugomat has produced.

Wrenching on the machine.
You can see more of Haugomat’s work here.