Anonymous writes

Now and then Anonymous soils these pages with his Comments. Or detritus, more accurately.

He is always Anonymous.

After all, would you want anyone to know that your grammar is that of the mean streets, and your mental capacity somewhere around Second Grade?

No problem. Clean up of Anonymous’s leavings takes as long as is required to hit the ‘Delete Comment’ button and life goes on unsullied by life’s losers.

However, now and then, old Anonymous writes something so completely inane, that his nonsense rises out of the field of tragedy and migrates to the truly hilarious. Here, for your amusement, are some of Anonymous’s best:

On my piece about Cartier-Bresson: “All his pictures were posed anyway”.

On Film is Dead (Anonymous had lots of foul mouthed company on this one – the truth hurts): “All digital photographs look alike, anyway, which is why I use film”. “Just because you have gone all digital, don’t expect real photographers to”.

On Make Mine Monochorome: “Yes, color is hard, which is why I use black and white”.

On Losing my (large format) Virginity, where I refer to my Harris Tweed cap and Tartan tripod bag, both purchased when I was one of Her Majesty’s loyal subjects some 30 years ago: “Harris Tweed cap and Scottish tartan tripod bag. You Americans make me laugh”.

On Throw away your lens cap and case: “Unlike you, I keep a lens cap on my pristine Leica at all times to avoid having the sun burn a hole in the shutter”. Guess how many great photographs this one takes.

On Rot which debunks all the silliness about Art poseurs using plastic cameras: “If you weren’t such a bigot you would get a Lomo, a fine (sic) made Russian camera and take some really good pictures”.

On Leicas – this one is a real Dusie: “Would it be to (sic – notice the grade school grammar) bold to speculate that you have never owned a Leica yourself. (sic) If you had you would understand the quality of the camera. There is no mistaking a picture taken with a Leica lens vs. any other brand.” And more from this child: “As to your point about AUTO FOCUS??? (sic) Why would anyone ever, want to use auto focus for any type of professional photograph. (sic). Since you used a car analogy once before perhaps the one I use will sink in. Compare a manual car to a stick shift (huge difference there!). They both will run, however, the stick shift will always go faster when the driver knows how to operate it.” What a pleasure it was to hit the ‘Add to Spam list’ button on that one. Phew!

All happily deleted, their authors added to the permanent spam list. This list not only forever bans these folks from posting here it also bans them from soiling other lists using like spam software as the database of spammers is shared. Neat, huh?

So, Mr. (and Ms.) Anonymous, keep ’em coming and we will be pleased to add you to our list, allowing all and sundry to join us in a good laugh. But think twice first as you may just be excluded from many other blogs. On second thoughts, just hit the ‘send’ button and do us all a favor.