This just in from Reuters

Better get rid of that black and white film in your refrigerator, racist pig.

From Reuters today:

“Reuters reports this morning that a PlayStation Portable billboard campaign featuring a black-and-white photograph of a lady in powder-white makeup and clothing, grabbing the face of a darkened black lady, is being discontinued by Sony in the Netherlands. Apparently, there were complaints that the imagery – which was designed to show ceramic white, the new color of some PSP models, as competing with jet black – had racist overtones.

…The ad campaign riled California Assemblyman Leland Yee, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and a youth civil rights education project called Sojourn to the Past.

Those critics condemned Sony’s use of the racially charged photo to sell a product and said it recalled an age and time when black people were portrayed in minstrel shows.”

Anyone found using black and white film will be pursued by the Bicultural Interdiction Group Offfice Trackingforce (BIGOT), a joint arm of the US and EU governments, and will be subject to prosecution. BIGOT has also requested that all image software manufacturers revise their applications to remove any ‘convert to monochrome’ capabilities, owing to the racially charged nature of such conversions. Those refusing to comply will be subject to penalties which will include being forced to listen to jazz music eighteen hours a day as part of the cultural assimilation process, in addition to the usual monetary fines.

Separately, Apple Computer is expected to voluntarily agree to discontinue both the black and the white versions of its new MacBook laptop computers and will henceforth issue these clad in grey and pink only, the latter for homosexual and lesbian consumers.