Time to clean the Augean Stables of Republicans.

Send Pig home.
Four years ago – goodness, it seems like 400 – I warned of the coming catastrophe which would result from electing Pig to the White House. It gives me no pleasure to see that I was right and it is a source of eternal shame that 60 million American morons were wrong. They have got what they deserve which includes:
- 200,000 American murdered by an uncaring Pig
- Millions more infected with the coronavirus
- Record unemployment
- Destruction of our system of laws
- Destruction of the Unites States Supreme Court and of the judiciary
- Criminality of mind bending proportions in the Pig family
- Rule by American ‘Christians’ whose expertise is in looking the other way
- Destruction of the USPS
- An existential threat to affordable health care
It bears repeating what I wrote on April 14, 2020 when comparing Pig with Richard III:
A note to Pig voters: This blog is about Photographs, Photographers and Photography. It ordinarily eschews politics. However, at this time of national tragedy, a tragedy whose number of deaths has been compounded by a psychopath masquerading as President, it is every American’s duty to protest loudly and to work for regime change. If you voted for Pig last time and have come around to seeing the error of your ways, all well and good. We all make mistakes. However, if you still fall in the trap of believing that Pig is making America great again and propose voting for him again, not only are you emphatically not welcome here, your very presence disgusts me. Do the right thing. Go elsewhere with your stupidity, your ignorance and your bigotry.
Now we are all voting early as the US Postal Service cannot be depended on to deliver our ballots on time. And yes, I do still believe that, as Churchill once put it, “Americans will always do the right thing, having first tried all the alternatives”. So it’s not enough to vote. It’s the right thing to vote Blue up and down the ballot. Put aside partisan differences and minor quibbles. Forget nonsense about abortion and gun rights. Noise. These have nothing to do with the peaceful governance of a great nation.
Yes, your choice is between a murderous criminal grifter and his enablers or a 77 year old with a GPA of 2.9 who has accomplished nothing in his life other than being on the taxpayers’ payroll for 47 years. But there’s a key distinction. One is a Pig. The other is a decent man, mediocre as he is. Today decent mediocrity is what America needs. Kick Pig and his Slovenian Slut and their many anchor babies out of the sty in which they reside.