Category Archives: Photography

Hide My Email

Another great privacy enhancement from Apple.

Sign up for a new online service and the one thing you can be almost certain of is that next day’s email inbox will be inundated with spam. The reason is that the scummy vendor of the service you just signed up for – and most are scummy – just sold your email address to some other bottom feeder.

The other day I was signing up to a streaming service and I knew that these predators would immediately sell my email address. It’s lost somewhere in the ‘Terms of Service’ fine print which the scummy vendor had his scummy laywers write. Calling this a ‘service’ is like claiming the invasion of Ukraine was a denazification move.

Anyway, as I moved the cursor to the email field, iOS on my iPhone asked whether I wanted to hide my email, and I replied ‘Yes’. It issued me a fake email address which will be the one the scummy vendor sees and the one I signed up with …. immediately to be sold. The snag for Mr. Scummy is that anyone he sells this fake email to who emails me will have that email bounced as only emails from the original vendor will be filtered through to my inbox, using my regular email address which is visible only to Apple. And, indeed, that’s what happened – one confirming email from Mr. Scummy and nothing from his scummy pals.

Beating Mr. Scummy. Click the image for the full explanation from Apple.

Recommended for all your sign-ups. As a default assume that anytime you enter your email online that it will be sold – unless the vendor is Apple.

iOS 15.4 improvements


One of the more obvious enhancements in iOS 15.4 for the iPhone is the ability conferred on FaceID which allows unlocking of the phone while wearing a mask. It works well and is very fast, though sadly it’s restricted to iPhone 12 and later. I still stubbornly insist on wearing a mask in the land of SUVs and gun rights, so this is nice to have in the supermarket.

But a relatively unsung enhancement – only 15 years after the introduction of the iPhone – is the added provision of nested mailboxes in Mail, denoted by the arrow. Click the arrowed item and the underlying mailboxes are revealed. For one who adopts fairly structured mail storage methods, this is huge, as my large number of mailboxes has now become quickly accessible, just as on the desktop OS:

Nested mailboxes.

The other very significant enhancement which has gone largely unremarked is the great improvement in voice recognition. For a device with a small screen and a near useless keyboard, the error rate in recognizing spoken words has fallen by an order of magnitude. What was borderline useless is now suddenly quite competent. As an example, I dictated an email with the names of the last six despots ruling the Russkies* and voice recognition got every one right!

iOS 15.4 is a significant improvement, for these issues alone.

* I was making the point that assassination is a remote hope, and that the first five had all died in their beds, and the sixth is likely to. Their leaders may whack subordinates with impunity, but seem to survive just fine.

A cool iPhone case

Thank you, Emily!

The coolest iPhone case on the planet. Click the image.

Not a single ‘control’ on this iPhone case does anything, but does it look cool or what? I saw it in the light-as-champagne Netflix show ‘Emily in Paris’ starring the gorgeous Lily Collins and nothing is calculated to put you in a better mood. The world’s most beautiful city with a gorgeous British/American girl. And no ordinary girl, as her dad is none other than rocker Phil Collins. The apple does not fall far from the tree when it comes to talent, though Lily’s looks are a step up from Phil’s!

Rambo meets Mitsumoto Sakari

A better mousetrap.

For an index of cooking articles on this blog click here.

Five years ago I pretty much gave up on my chef’s knife and transitioned to a cleaver. You can read about that here.

The upgrade demon reared his ugly head the other day and I resolved to try a Japanese edge cleaver for even better cutting. Japanese knives are sharpened to a 12-15 degree angle, much finer than the 20 degrees used in European hardware. Better cutting, the trade-off being faster wear of the finer edge.

A new sharpening tool and a Japanese cleaver – the Rambo. Click the image.

My electric knife sharpener – check the link above – is getting long in the tooth, the grinding wheels are now well worn and you cannot replace them. You have to buy the whole thing again. Boo!

So I thought I would try the Japanese Mitsumoto Sakari sharpener which comes with coarse and fine stones, as well as a scissor sharpener. But the real secret to this tool is that the sharpening angle is adjustable from 14 to 24 degrees. As for the cleaver, it’s a non-stainless forged steel one (I borrowed it from Sylvester Stallone when he was not making Rambo XLI) for a better edge and I immediately sharpened it to a 14 degree angle. First, however, I checked the angles on the Mitsumoto and can confirm they are dead accurate, the 14 degree setting yields a subtended angle of 28 degrees, the 20 degree yields 40 degrees and so on. Nice.

I gave the Rambo ten unidirectional swipes through the 14 degree coarse sharpener, then five more through the fine and can confirm that it’s scary sharp. The hole in the blade is for your forefinger and has nasty burrs when shipped. A few seconds with a Nicholson rat tail file saw those off. The forefinger is inserted there as a further precaution against your finger dipping into your workpiece. The Rambo comes with a sturdy leather belt pouch for those occasions when you feel it’s necessary to wreak havoc outdoors.

The sharpening rods in the Mitsumoto are fairly fine so only time will tell how well they wear. At $25 you can buy five for the price of one Kitchen Chef electrical tool, so it’s not a big concern. Recommended.

As for the Rambo, I have to do a lot more butchering before passing judgment. Suffice it to say that I feel empowered – and dangerous.

Security fasteners for AirTags

Keeping it secured.

I updated my recent piece on Apple’s AirTag tracking device here, showing how to remove the internal speaker which announces the AirTag’s location after it has been removed to a location remote from the owner’s iPhone. (No preaching, please. This information is in the public domain).

The AirTag announces that it has been moved in two ways. First, 8-24 hrs after being relocated it beeps. Second, it will broadcast an “AirTag moving with you” message to the thief’s iPhone, if he has one. Disabling the beeping takes away the more obvious of these two warning mechanisms. Why does Apple not provide a software switch to disable the beeper? Because then all the creeps and perverts out there would avail themselves of this functionality for illicit stalking of the innocent.

Once the beeper is disabled, the thief (with an iPhone) will have the challenge of finding the AirTag once its proximity is announced to him. That means a well hidden AirTag will delay detection for long enough, hopefully, for the owner to get a location fix and call the cops.

I have one AirTag installed in my Honda scooter in a location easily located by me, but it would be hard for a thief to find in under several hours. And he has better things to do with his time – like more thieving. Scooters are very easy to steal and readily resold in large cities. (Ads with “no title” in the description are common).

Now while I do not own an exotic, costly bicycle, an AirTag would seem an essential on such a machine. Easily stolen, easily sold, no registered title. The problem is where to locate it? Tests disclose that location inside a metal tube – down tube, handlebar, seat post – kills the transmission, so you want to either install the device in a carbon fiber component (if your machine has any) or securely attached to the frame. But secure attachment with regular fasteners is time and effort wasted for obvious reasons. What is needed is a security fastener, and you will not find a better selection than at McMaster Carr:

Beat this selection. Click the image for the site.

Use one of these with an appropriate holder, along with the matching fastening/removal tool, and you will make the bike thief’s job that much harder.