Category Archives: Photography

The Epson ET-8550 printer

Time to move on.

For an index of all articles about the Epson ET8550 printer, click here.

The Epson ET-8550 photo printer.

After many years using/loving/hating and repairing my HP DesignJet 90 wide carriage printer, it has finally died. The cause cannot be identified in the factory manual, parts are very hard to source, and I have just about used up my last set of print heads and ink cartridges. So the HP, sadly, has to be recycled. Needless to add, HP wants nothing to do with it nor is there a repair facility out there which is remotely interested. It served me well for 20 years and because HP’s support is worse than a broken crutch for a one legged man, gave rise to a whole series of technical articles on this blog. Yes, the DJ90 was a high maintenance beast but, oh! my, it made spectacular prints when it chose to and the HP inks on HP paper remain fade-free even in prints made two decades ago.

The replacement for the DJ, the Epson ET-8550, is limited to 13″ wide prints, compared with the 18″ for the HP, but is significant in one major respect. The ‘ET’ in the model designation stands for ‘Eco Tank’. Let me translate. Epson has migrated from the ‘rip off the customer on ink cartridges’ business model to the ‘rip off the customer on the printer’s price’ one. I paid $600 after a $200 Black Friday discount but it really should have been more like $400 for what you get. However, instead of crazy priced, low ink content cartridges, Epson has adopted a ‘refill from cheap ink bottles’ approach so no cartridges are involved and each of the 6 ink colors can be had in a 70ml bottle for under $20. Stated differently, ink costs are 90% lower than for the DesignJet or any other consumer quality printer be it from Epson, Canon or HP. Hence the ‘Eco’ in ‘Eco Tank’, saving our landfills from millions of empty ink cartridges, refilling them with hundreds of thousands of empty ink bottles. Please do yourself a favor and never use cheaper aftermarket inks. Save a few pennies and risk major repairs when your print heads clog or your client sues you because the print for which you charged him good money 12 months ago has started fading.

How about paper costs? When it was clear a while back that HP was abandoning the DesignJet dye printer in favor of pigment ink designs I bought up a bunch of their superb swellable dye paper at 10 cents on the dollar. The paper is specifically formulated to absorb ink dyes, and needs time to dry and stabilize after printing. It’s worth the wait as it is superb. It bears repeating that nothing surpasses illustration of a photographer’s skill as a well printed, matted and framed large glossy print. Here is roughly half of my inventory of that HP Premium Glossy printing paper:

Some 1,000 sheets of 13″ x 19″ all told.

With premium Epson paper running $2-3 a sheet in that size you can reckon that little lot is worth some $2,500, so I’m not about to chuck it out with the DesignJet. But where to find an ICC profile? The ICC paper profile is loaded into Lightroom or whatever printing software you use and confers the right colors matched to a specific paper when you hit the ‘Print’ button. Obviously, no one makes ICC profiles for obsolete HP paper used on a current Epson printer.

The Internet to the rescue. Looking at the site of a major paper supplier – Moab – I ran across a listing of ICC profile makers they recommend. If it’s good enough for a major paper manufacturer, it’s good enough for me. A quick check showed Freestyle to have the clearest instructions without broken links which seem to bedevil many of the other suppliers – remember, a profile is specific to a paper and to a printer:

Click the image.

While their Mac instructions are for OS 13 Ventura I checked and was told that my earlier OS X 10.13.6 High Sierra OS is just fine, and just to make sure that when their test pages are printed using Apple Preview to make sure color management is turned off. Their instructions how to use Preview are clear.

So when my Epson ET-8550 arrives later today from the good people at B&H the first task will be to run the downloaded routines from that site and send them the two resulting calibration prints from the new printer so that they can generate a profile specifically for HP Premium Glossy swellable dye paper, spending $100 to save $2,500 of paper stock. Now that’s what I call return on investment.

As a matter of interest, the Epson uses five dye inks for photo prints and one pigment ink for it’s other tasks, like printing letters and the like. It’s the first five we are concerned with. The printer is actually marketed as an ‘office’ printer and includes a scanner and multiple paper trays for letters and the like. The latter are of no interest to me.

As for results fron the new printer, I will follow up this piece with some details but do not expect the outpouring of technical articles occasioned by the poorly supported HP DesignJet all those years ago. First the Epson has been on the market some 2 years now so there is much material available. Second, I recommend the site of Keith Cooper named Northlight Images. It’s comprehensive, written by a technically skilled person and with a minimum of sales BS, not to mention a solid command of the Queen’s …. err, King’s …. English, probably because he is English, like me.

Tethered shooting with Lightroom

Instant preview.

Tethered shooting refers to a connection – wired or wireless – between your camera and a display device, allowing near instant preview of images, typically in a studio environment, on a decently sized laptop or desktop display. ‘Chimping’ the small rear LCD on the camera pales by comparison.

In this way you can instantly assess composition, lighting, exposure and focus and, most importantly, if you have a client present, you can give him faster-than-Polaroid previews of the session’s photographs.

Before you start spending money on cables I suggest you check that your processing software on your computer supports the camera of your choice. Not all software supports all cameras and you can bet that older versions of software will not support many of the latest camera models. Of all manufacturers you can be assured that Adobe will have been first on the planned obsolescence wagon, forcing you to upgrade your software at considerable cost.

My gear is relatively dated – Lightroom 6.4, a Nikon D800 and a 2015 MacBook Air, the latter no speed demon by modern standards. I use a wired USB2 connection between camera and laptop. Wireless solutions are available for those with more money than sense. Mine involved diving into the cable box in the garage and finding the right cable, free.

Plug the cable into the laptop and camera, turn the latter on, and Lightroom requires these steps:

Enabling tethered capture in Lightroom.

Once both ends of the cable are plugged in the Nikon D800 no longer shows a frame count on the top LCD:

The frame count display in tethered capture mode.

If you do not see ‘PC’ in the frame count location unplug the cable from the computer and reconnect it. As a further check, a display panel will pop up in Lightroom and will show the model of the connected camera if the connection has been properly made.

‘PC’ indicates that the storage card in the camera is not being used to store images, which are being sent directly to the connected computer.

One word of caution. The camera socket for the connecting cable in the D800, if using a wired solution, uses a USB2/3 Micro USB design. This is unarguably the worst connector ever made, being unidirectional, fragile, small, and easily damaged. What’s worse the cable is subjected to tugging and stress in use, inviting disconnection as a minimum, damage at worst. So, instead of a costly solution what is needed is a simple twist tie, attached between the left strap lug or key ring and the cable, acting as a simple and free strain relief thus:

A tether for the tether. Highly recommended. The white paint mark has been added to indicate orientation when plugging the connector into the camera.

Acknowledging the awfulness of the Micro USB socket and connector, Nikon did make a strain relief clip but mine did not come with the secondhand body I bought. They crop up on eBay from time to time for very little; mine ran me $9.45:

The Nikon USB cable clip.

Here it is installed. Be aware that the MicroUSB connector comes in both USB2 (narrow) and USB3 (broader – two connectors in one) versions. The casing for the USB3 version on the cables in my box will not pass the opening in the Nikon USB Cable Clip (you could always try sanding it down if that is all you have), while the narrower USB2 version passes through just fine. There’s a locating peg and a couple of shark teeth to hold the whole thing in place on the camera and the cable itself is secured with a locking foldover bar. Indeed, as the image below shows there’s an unused adjacent peg hole which suggests there may be a wider USB3 version of this clip. I do not know. It works well:

The Nikon D800 USB Cable CLip installed on my camera.

I have found no difference in transfer speed for the USB2 vs. the USB3 cable, both allowing LR to render the image on the laptop’s display in 5 seconds after the shutter button is depressed. using my ancient 11″ MacBook Air and the 14-bit RAW file format. That’s a whole lot faster than a Polaroid! Edwin Land would be proud.

My strong inclination is to rip off that awful, intrusive rubber cover for the connector area, but I have not yet summoned the courage to do that.

I switch Lightroom to full screen display (hit ‘F’ on the keyboard) and the latest image is the one displayed in maximum size. Hit ‘G’ for the familiar LR grid display. The advantage of the full screen display is that it’s far easier to judge the image in full size.

And that’s about it. Once the session is completed the LR catalog can be exported to your desktop of choice for post-processing in the usual way. I simply network my desktop Mac Pro with the MacBook Air and transfer the catalog into the Lightroom software on the Mac Pro. You use Windows? You are on your own.

Thanksgiving 2023

Happy turkey day to all.

A lot has changed since I wrote of my first Thanksgiving in America. That was in 1977, the column ran in 2006. I recall, back in 1977, the special at the supermarket had turkey marked down to 29 cents a pound. Yesterday the price was:

At the supermarket yesterday.

Adjusted for inflation that 1977 turkey comes to $1.76/lb, so the price has just about halved since then. Further, buy $125 of groceries and the turkey is free! Is this a great country or what?

And driving home from the supermarket I chanced on a dozen of these big boys tucking in at the side of the road. Sadly the gun rack has yet to be installed in my luxury sedan but I did have the big Nikon and a suitable lens with me. Had the shotgun been available my turkey would have been well and truly free in 2023:

Wild turkeys. D800, 28-300mm Nikkor.

So what else has changed in those 46 years? Well, America is finally giving up on its endless and ever losing foreign wars. A fascist pig/rapist/criminal/seditionist is waiting in the wings to have another go at doing to the nation what he has been doing to women for decades. Our judicial system seems more corrupt than ever with a Supreme Court comprised largely of religious bigots. Womens’ rights, as a result, have seldom been under greater threat since they got the vote. America is turning inwards, as it does from time to time, yet I remain supremely confident that this too will pass and our course for the sunlit uplands will be firmly reestablished.

So, if you have not the time to read that 2003 piece, it’s worth quoting the words of Milton Friedman, the economist, from that screed. Friedman is another who has sadly fallen out of fashion in the past couple of decades:

“A society that puts equality – in the sense of equality of outcome – ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality or freedom. The use of force to achieve equality will destroy freedom. On the other hand, a society that puts freedom first will, as a happy by-product, end up with both greater freedom and greater equality. Freedom means diversity but also mobility. It preserves the opportunity for today’s less well off to become tomorrow’s rich, and in the process, enables almost everyone, from top to bottom, to enjoy a richer and fuller life.”

When it’s not busy behaving in a self destructive manner America largely remembers those words, and I have every confidence that it will continue to do so in the long term. Besides, where on earth is there anything better?

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Contax IIa

A Zeiss masterpiece.

The German Bauhaus architecture movement ran through the 1950s and had a singular focus on function over form. You can get a sense of it from the Bauhaus building in Dessau, though why architect Walter Gropius felt compelled to add the name of the movement to the building remains a mystery (and the ‘S’ is too small!):

The Bauhaus building in Dessau.

The windows are large, the design is largely one of right angles and the mass production aspect of the parts is self evident.

What has this to do with the Zeiss Ikon Contax IIa which was manufactured between 1950-60? Well, this supremely elegant camera first saw the light of day as the pre-war Contax II about which I wrote a decade ago. The Bauhaus influence on the design is writ large.

The Contax II was introduced in 1936 and bombed out of existence by the Allies in the second world war. The IIa was an improved model with aluminum replacing the fragile brass slats of the roller blind vertically traveling focal plane shutter. Further, the film counter was integrated into the advance knob rather than having a separate top plate window. The rangefinder base length was shortened slightly and the overall quality went up.

And when you pick up a IIa the overwhelming impression is one of mass – it’s heavy for its small size – and quality of construction and finish. Everything is tight, the engraving and knurling are to die for and it feels right in the hand. And the clean lines clearly show the Bauhaus influence on the original design, carried on after the war.

Modern gargantuanism dwarfs the petite Contax IIa

It may lack electronic gizmos, but the size is just so.

The detachable 50mm f/2 Sonnar is tiny. The focus helicoid is attached to the body, not the lens.

Note the subtle changes in font sizes.
The dual bayonet mounts accommodate short and long lenses.

Engraving and knurling quality to die for.

Near mint strap lugs testify that this is not a ‘beater’.

Why buy a 75 year old rangefinder camera with no automation, no digital sensor and using film? Because it is an object of engineering beauty and joins other of its ilk on display in the home theater. In addition to many classic movie posters, that room displays a Bolex H16 16mm film camera, an ancient Weston Master selenium cell meter, a period Bell & Howell 16mm film projector, a Goldberg 35mm film reel and an antique candlestick phone. The Contax, like all of those, is in perfect working order.

On display in the home theater.
Nothing less than a Leitz tabletop tripod and ball head would suffice.