A complete index of all my photographs featured in these pages.
You will find 1728 posts in the category Photographs on this blog.
Jump to 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z
- #A
- A bank has an original idea
- A bit of fun
- A couple from the 35mm Nikkor
- A couple of pups
- A Doggy portfolio
- A face in the park
- A face in the window
- A face in the window
- A few from 2015
- A few from Santa Cruz
- A few from the 50mm f/1.4 Nikkor
- A few from the 80~200 f/4.5 Nikkor
- A few more from Filoli
- A few more good ones
- A few more with the 180mm Nikkor
- A great picture of a great man
- A heart for Charlie
- A little tweak here ….
- A long day
- A man and his dogs
- A Modern Ganesha
- A Moveable Feast
- A new start(er)
- A new tire
- A new year
- A part of me is no more
- A pastoral interlude
- A peaceful lunch
- A Room With a View
- A shared interest
- A snap over lunch
- A stroll along the Embarcadero
- A summary – 20 New England colleges – 2017
- A tale of two tanks
- A touch of the surreal
- A touch of the surreal
- A visual life – 1968-2018
- A week in sunsets.
- A welcome winter visitor
- A World from my Balcony
- AA
- Abe rows
- Aboard Air Force One
- About the snap: Balloon seller
- About the Snap: Holocaust memorial
- About the Snap: Beached whales
- About the Snap: Bergie’s
- About the Snap: Bermuda
- About the snap: Eyes
- About the Snap: From Grace’s Steps
- About the snap: Gamblers
- About the Snap: General Motors Building
- About the snap: Green
- About the Snap: Hewitts
- About the Snap: Keep Left
- About the Snap: Lonely
- About the Snap: Lovers
- About the Snap: Madison Avenue
- About the snap: Marion Campbell
- About the Snap: Max
- About the Snap: Perry’s
- About the snap: Rocker
- About the Snap: St. James’s Park
- About the Snap: Sunday paper
- About the snap: Terns at Oceano Dunes
- About the Snap: The Painter
- About the Snap: Wrapped Heads
- About those snaps
- Abstraction in Carmel
- Accion Latina
- Achoo!
- Adding a/c to the garage
- Adopt me
- Aerial view
- African Grey
- Afrikan Legend
- After Hopper
- After the harvest
- Afternoon languor
- Afternoon Sun
- Agapanthus
- Age
- Age
- Aggression
- Airstream
- Airway
- Al’s Attire
- Alcatraz
- Alfa Romeo
- Alibi
- All change
- Allard
- Alley art
- Alleyway
- Alleyways
- Alone
- Alone
- Alone
- Alone
- Ambrose Pollock
- America
- America
- America today
- America works! 2013.
- America’s disease
- American beauty
- American Beauty
- American individuality
- Americana
- Amherst College
- Ampersand Man
- An earnest walk along Mission Street
- Anchorage 1978
- And now for some pictures
- And yet more
- Anders Zorn
- Angles
- Angles
- Another American Beauty
- Another found object
- Another occasion
- Anthony Holdsworth
- Apartment grunge
- Apocalypse When?
- Apple ProRAW
- Apple scoop!
- Apple Store Yorkie
- Applicants wanted
- Architectural masterpieces – New England colleges
- Architectural photography
- Arnold Newman: Evil
- Arrow
- Art at PHX
- Art critic
- Art Deco
- Art Deco masterpiece
- At Alice’s Restaurant
- At Bean Hollow
- At home, Scottsdale
- At PHL
- At school
- At Shake Shack
- At the Aquarium
- At the barber’s
- At the beach
- At the Beach
- At the beach with Eugene Boudin
- At the camera show
- At the CJM
- At the cobbler’s
- At the Ferry Terminal
- At the grocer’s
- At the grocer’s
- At the JFK Library
- At the library
- At the library
- At the Monterey Historics
- At the Moscone Center
- At the off
- At the turntable
- At the waterfront
- At the Wharf
- At the wharf
- Atlas
- Atlas café
- Authorized Personnel Only
- Automotive shantytown
- Autumn – 2007
- Autumn – 2007/II
- Autumn – 2012
- Autumn in Albany
- Available
- Avian critics
- Aw, c’mon!
- Awning
- Awnings
- Azure
- Azure sky
- Babbling
- Babe
- Bacall then and now
- Back in my day ….
- Back when
- Bagel run
- Bakery
- Bakery
- Ball
- Balloonists
- Balloons
- Balloons
- Balloons
- Bankster central
- Bankster lawyers
- Bargain
- Barred and shut
- Barrett-Jackson
- Barrett-Jackson 2020
- Bartlett Lake, AZ
- Bas relief
- Bates College
- Battersea Power Station
- Bauhaus
- Beach hut
- Beach Run
- Beach walker
- Beach Wedding
- Bear day
- Beautiful Scottsdale
- Beauty
- Beer
- Being positive
- Bel Air – 2015
- Bella Luna
- Belt up!
- Bend over
- Bennington covered bridges
- Bent
- Berkeley
- Berkeley 2
- Berkeley, CA
- Bermuda
- Bernal Heights
- Bernal Hill Park
- Best of 2012
- Best of 2013
- Best of 2013 – slideshow
- Biba
- Big Bird parks
- Big Boy
- Big Brother
- Big Hands
- Big Pharma
- Big shot
- Big trees
- Bike Farm
- BikeCam
- BikeCam is no more!
- Biker babe
- Bikinis
- Bill Gates slumming
- Birds
- Bits and bobs
- Black and White is dead
- Blast from the Past
- Blind faith
- Blondes
- Bloom
- Blotto
- Blotto
- Blue
- Blue
- Blue
- Blue and green
- Blue sphere
- Blurring the lines
- BMW R18
- Bodyline
- Bonnet
- Boozer
- Bored pups
- Boston sunset
- Botox Bride
- Bottega Veneta
- Bourke-White redux
- Bowdoin College
- Bowler and tats
- Brattleboro, VT
- Break
- Breakfast
- Breakfast
- Breakfast crowds
- Bricked and barred
- Bricked up
- Brighton
- Bring your own …. drop cloth!
- Brown bagger
- Brown University
- Bud
- Buggy
- Bugr!
- Bull’s eye
- Bummed out
- Burglar alarm
- Buskirks Bridge
- Butt out
- Buttercup
- Butterfly
- CA fixer, ocn vu
- CA sky
- Cabbie
- Cactus
- Cadillac
- Calisthenics
- Calisthenics
- Callous kids
- Caltech
- Camera of the Year
- Cancer
- Candidly
- Candy
- Canon 50mm f/1.4 – some results
- Canon 5D – can you say speed?
- Capitalism
- Car wash
- Carefree, AZ
- Carmel – dress shop
- Carmel de Nuit
- Carmel Mission
- Carmel stairs
- Carmel Taxi
- Cask
- Catching the rays
- Cayucos
- Ceiling snap
- Cell call
- Cellist
- Centerfolds
- Character
- Charcuterie
- Chava’s
- Cheap pretentiousness
- Cheap, not nasty
- Checkerboard Mesa
- Cheesed-off
- Chef
- Chef Kurita
- Chess
- Chess
- Chevy
- Chevy
- Chevy
- Chez Mondrian
- Chez Mondrian 2
- Chicken fee
- Chinatown
- Chinatown
- Chinatown
- Choosing
- Chopped and lowered
- Christine
- Christmas Carols
- Christmas Day
- Christo
- Christo’s garden
- Chucky
- City Hall SF
- City Lights
- City Lights
- City scene
- City Storage
- Cityscapes 2011
- Civilisation
- Claes Oldenburg
- Claes Oldenburg
- Class war
- Classics
- Clear the Streets
- Climbers
- Climbing
- Closed
- Coastguard
- Cockeyed
- Coffee
- Coffee shop
- Coffee shop intellectuals
- Coit Tower
- Colby College
- Colgate University
- Collage
- Collections and Slideshows
- Color abstraction
- Color bar
- Colored Window
- Colors and shapes
- Columns of the year 2012 – Part 1 of 3
- Columns of the year 2012 – Part 2 of 3
- Columns of the year 2012 – Part 3 of 3
- Comforted
- Coming and Going
- Coming and Going
- Commencement Day
- Concrete
- Concrete
- Conestoga
- Connecticut College
- Contain Yourself
- Contempt
- Cooking
- Cool kids
- Copper Canyon Trading
- Cops
- Cor!
- Cormorant
- Cornell University
- Corrugated mask
- Cottonwoods
- Coulterville
- Counter Pulse
- Counting the layers
- Craftsman Assassin
- Crazed
- Creativity
- Crossed wires
- Crossing
- Crowded Scottsdale
- Cryo Cream
- Cuddl(e)y Toys
- Curious
- Curves
- Cyclist
- Da Mob
- Daily Paper
- Daily driver
- Dali
- Daniel the metal craftsman
- Dartmouth College
- Dave’s
- David Hockney at the de Young
- Day Out
- Dead Ends
- Death
- Death of the lighthouse
- Deerfield
- Defiance
- Degas – Photographer
- Delights by Lisa
- Delivery
- Demure Barbie
- Depression
- Desert garden
- Deserted
- Desolate
- Desolated
- Devorah Sperber
- Devotion
- Dewey-Humboldt
- Dictator’s window
- Did he, or didn’t he?
- Diet
- Digging
- Digging
- Digital garbage
- Digitizing slides
- Dignity
- Diner
- Dining al fresco
- Dino Motors
- Diptychs and Triptychs
- Direct gaze
- Display
- Divisadero Street
- Dizzy
- DJz
- Do not do this for a living
- Do what you love
- Dodge
- Dogpatch and Pier 70
- Door
- Doors
- Dorm Life
- Double Eagle
- Downtown Boston
- Downtown Los Angeles
- Downtown Phoenix
- Drain art
- Dreams
- Dreck
- Duck!
- Dummy
- Dump the lens hood
- Dungeness crabs
- Dynamo Donut & Coffee
- Early birds
- Early photographic vision
- Early Sunday
- Early Xmas
- Easter Sunday
- Easter visitor
- Easy birds
- Eats
- Ecco Ristorante
- Ecurie Francorchamps
- Eddie Rickenbacker’s
- Eduardo
- Edward Hopper and photography
- Edward Hopper and the American Hotel
- Eh?
- Eighty-five
- Ektar! Watch out.
- Eleanor Rigby
- Electric blanket
- Electronic surprises in 2018
- Elitism
- Elliot Erwitt revisited
- Embarcadero Architecture
- Embarcadero Candids
- Empty City
- End of Empire
- Engrossed
- eTrade
- Ever vigilant
- Evil Eye
- Evolution
- Excess
- Expose yourself
- Eye research
- Eyeball
- EyeOne revisited with Mountain Lion
- Eyes
- Facades
- Face on the trolley
- Face painting
- Faces
- Fail to win
- Fall
- Fall
- Fall – Northfield, MA
- Fallen Atlas
- Fallen giant
- Falling eagle
- Family Hatmakers
- Famous men
- Fascination
- Fast landscape
- Fast Lunch
- Fat chance
- Faux
- Faux
- Fear and Loathing
- Feeling blue
- Fenix
- Ferrari 330 GTC
- Fields of Wheat
- Fighting for dynamic range
- Filbert Street
- Filoli
- Filoli in early spring
- Filoli reopens
- Find Something
- Finding Yourself
- Fire station, San Mateo
- Fire!
- Fire!
- First film results
- First ride – Fall 2020
- Fish
- Fish and Chips
- Fish face
- Fisherman
- Fisherman’s Wharf
- Fishy snapshots
- Five stars
- Five years old today
- Flag and surfboard
- Flagmakers
- Flagstaff
- Flailing Empire
- Flight
- Focos depth masks
- Fog
- For the yearbook
- Form and Function
- Form and function
- Fort Mason
- Fort Point
- Fort Point
- Fort Point from the Headlands
- Fort Ticonderoga
- Fotopedia
- Found object
- Four stills
- Fox
- Foxy Couture
- FrameShop
- Francis Bacon
- Frank Shorter
- Fred and Ginger
- Free Bradley
- French engineering
- Frescos and photography
- Frida
- Friday night
- Full frame bargains
- Fun with Google Earth
- Funicular
- Funky shutters
- Funky wedding
- Funky window
- Fur collar
- GAF 500 is back!
- Gambel’s Quail
- Game Boys
- Garaje
- Garden panorama
- Gardening at the Getty Center
- Gargoyles
- Gas
- Gazes
- Geese
- George Barbier
- German engineering design
- Getaway car
- Getting ready for the show
- Getting the Silverwing right
- Getty gardener
- GGB 1937
- GGB from Bernal Heights
- GGB from Fort Point
- GGB from the Overlook
- Ghetto playground
- Gingerbread
- God Bless America
- God Bless America
- Gold Door
- Good eats
- Goodbye 2006
- Goodbye Kodachrome, hullo freedom.
- Goodbye Maggie
- Googie lives!
- Google Art Project
- Goosed
- Gorilla
- Gouger’s
- Goulding’s
- Goya and snapshots
- Grab a Seat
- Graffiti
- Graffiti prose
- Grandma
- Greed as Art
- Green
- Green and Blue
- Greens
- Greyhound Bus
- Grill and Grocery
- Groveland
- GT3
- Guadalupe
- Guard Cat
- Guard dog
- Guardian Eyewitness
- Guernica
- Guitar Lesson
- Gun nation
- Guns, guns, guns
- Gustave Caillebotte
- Hair
- Hair
- Handball
- Handy SAM 1200 motorcycle lift – Part I
- Handy SAM 1200 motorcycle lift – Part II
- Handy SAM 1200 motorcycle lift – Part III
- Handy SAM 1200 motorcycle lift – Part IV
- Handy SAM 1200 motorcycle lift – Part V
- Happiness ….
- Happy Christmas
- Happy Christmas
- Happy Christmas
- Happy Fourth?
- Happy Holidays!
- Happy hour
- Happy Memorial Day
- Happy New Year
- Hard hat
- Hard times
- Harley for sale. Cheap. Owner dead.
- Harvard University
- Harvest time!
- Hats
- Have fun, kids
- Haverford College
- Hayes Valley
- Health food
- Hearts and Diamonds
- Heavy gear
- Helpful heart
- Here’s to a great 2013
- Here’s to a great 2014
- Hey!
- High Desert Lutheran
- High Dynamic Range photography
- High Sierras Market
- High tech Hockney
- High viewpoint
- Highgate
- Highgate Cemetery
- Honda Silverwing
- Hopeless dream
- Hopper in the Oval Office
- Horse
- Hot wings
- Hubble
- Hubble trouble
- Hunger
- Hyatt, S.F.
- Hyper-wide candids
- I went down to the demonstration
- I’m outta here!
- Ice
- Ice cream
- If walls could talk
- Iglesia Adventista
- Il Fornaio
- Ile de la Cité
- Immigration policy
- Impulse buy
- In Carmel
- In Evans’s footsteps.
- In London
- In Loving Memory
- In my day ….
- In Philadelphia
- In Santa Cruz
- In search of Atget
- In search of Edward Hopper
- In Sedona
- In the dark
- In the Ferry Building
- In the gloom
- In the library
- In the Presidio
- In the Shadow of the Moon
- In the spirit of the season
- In the studio
- In the tide pool
- Inca
- Inca tribute
- Inconceivable
- Inside the pup
- Insurance nightmare
- Into the sun
- iPad
- iPhone 4S + Snapseed
- Irish Pub
- Irish Times
- It was this big ….
- It was twenty years ago today ….
- Italian deli
- Jackson Square
- James Dean’s ride
- James Tissot
- Jeff Bezos
- Jim the antiquarian
- John Christian Leyendecker
- Jumping
- Junior
- Just a regular evening
- Just a snap
- Just add lightness
- Just walking the pup
- Just walking the pup
- Keep shark fins attached
- Kids
- Kids’ Christmas
- King’s Canyon and Sequoia National Parks
- Kitsch
- Kodachrome – the only excuse to use film
- Kodachrome reds
- Kodak Ektar film
- L’Absinthe
- La-di-da
- Lace
- Lafayette College
- Laguna Seca – Vintage 2013
- Laid back
- Land of Lincoln
- Late again!
- Late shift
- Late sun
- Late sun
- Late sun
- Late Sun
- Late sun colors
- Lawyer and Palmist
- Le Baiser
- Legs
- Legs
- Legs
- Leitz 90mm f/2.8 Tele-Elmarit – some results
- Lens profile correction in practice
- Levi’s
- Lies for WASPs
- LIFE and Google
- Life extender
- Life with Mahler
- Light pools
- Light, shade, flowers
- Lighting the garden
- Lightroom 3 distortion correction
- Lightroom 5.3
- Limekiln
- Liquid Thinking
- Liquors
- Little Italy
- Little Italy
- Locksmith
- Locomotion
- Lone
- Lone bike
- Lone flight
- Lone worker
- Lonely face
- Looking at pictures
- Los Angeles
- Lovers
- Low key Sam
- Low Tide
- Luminous Hockneys
- Lunch
- Lunch break
- Lunch break
- Lunch on Wall Street
- Machismo
- Machismo
- Macro
- Macro Day
- Macy’s parade
- Magnolia
- Mahatma
- Mail grab
- Mailbox
- Make mine a pint
- Making an eBook
- Making luck
- Makita
- Male Enhancer
- Manet’s Bar
- Manet: The Railway
- Mannequin
- Mannequins
- Map
- Market Street
- Marking time
- Marlboro Man
- Marlowe lives
- Maserati
- Maserati
- Massive confusion
- Match
- Match!
- Mayfair and Kensington
- Meet my new view camera
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Day
- Memorial Day 2014
- Memorial Day 2018
- Memories
- Merry Christmas
- Merry jumble
- Meter reader’s nightmare
- Metropol
- Michael dances
- Middlebury College
- Milk
- Minuet in Green
- Minute Men and Concord
- Mirrored window
- Mise en place
- Mixed message
- Mixed Message
- Mmmm …..
- Modern and good
- Modern Rothko
- Modern trends
- Moderne
- Moments
- Mondrian meets Hopper
- Monochrome curves in Lightroom
- Monocolor
- Monsoon season
- Monterey Bay
- Monterey Historics – 2009
- Monument Valley
- More balloons
- More Christmas carols
- More desaturation
- More film, another lab
- More Helicon macros
- More light at night
- More monochrome
- More NYC architecture
- More on aspect ratios
- More on keywords
- More on PDF book publishing
- Morning
- Morning after
- Morning Paper 1
- Morning Paper 2
- Morning ride
- Moscone steps
- Mother Russia
- Motherwell’s door
- Mr. Rabbit
- Much loved ….
- Muni smarts
- Municipal Corruption
- Municipal Logic
- Mural
- Mural City
- Murals
- Muscle Beach
- Muscle cars and bikes
- Musso & Frank’s grill
- My role model
- My show at Castoro Cellars
- My son and I
- Nannies
- Nap
- National Enquirer exclusive!
- Natural Redhead
- Nature’s dryer
- Nautral beauty
- New construction
- New Italian Cinema
- New lights for the Silverwing
- New puppy
- New York State Education building
- New York Times photoblogs
- Newly married
- Newport mansions
- News and Standard!
- Newspaper vendors
- Nice pair
- Nice ride
- Nice wheels
- Night flowers
- Night Mode and cruise missiles
- Night Mode optimisation
- Night scenes
- Nikkor 16-35mm AF-S f/4 ED N VR lens
- Nikkor 300mm f/4.5 ED IF AIS MF lens
- Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX lens
- Nikkor 500mm f/8N AI Reflex lens
- Nikkor AF-S 35mm f/1.4G lens
- Nikkor-H Auto 50mm f/2 lens
- Nikkor-N.C 24mm lens
- Nikkor-Q 200mm f/4 lens
- Nikon D800 cropping
- Nine West 57th Street
- No eggs
- No graffiti
- No loitering
- No looking back
- No more cheating?
- No more Comments
- No more cover-ups
- No more dead forests
- No shadows
- No slice
- No two alike
- Nob Hill
- Nodding off
- Non-fake news
- North Beach
- North Beach
- North Beach
- North Beach
- North Beach
- North Beach candids
- North Beach reflections
- North Beach street scenes
- Not cricket
- Not for the tall
- Not much to give thanks for
- Not really luck
- Notice board
- Notice board
- Notre Dame in paintings
- Notre Dame is ablaze
- Notre Dame reopens
- Nova
- Now playing
- Now you mark my words!
- Nowhere to go
- Nukes and Typhoid Mary
- Number 10
- Number 14
- Number Ten
- Numbers
- Nuts, bolts and spacers
- NY Court of Appeals
- NYC Architecture – some snaps
- NYC architecture by Woody Allen
- O’er she goes!
- O’Neill’s
- Oakland Bay Bridge
- OBB from Bernal Heights
- Oceano Dunes
- Odd
- Odd couple
- Oh! deer
- Oklahoma!
- Old Albany
- Old and new
- Old and new
- Old and new
- Old and new
- Old Farts
- Old is new again
- Old Monterey
- Old San Francisco
- Olympus 17mm f/1.8 MFT Zuiko – Part III
- Olympus 45mm F/1.8 MFT Zuiko – Part II
- On all fours
- On break
- On display
- On Monterey Bay
- On reflection
- On reflection
- On the BART
- On the BART with Walker
- On the Beach
- On the pier
- On the wharf
- On tour
- On Two Wheels
- Once magazine
- Once upon a time ….
- Once Upon a Time in the West
- One Afternoon
- One color, not Club Mono
- One hundred millionth of a second
- One hundred yards – Part I
- One hundred yards – Part II
- One hundred yards – Part III
- One hundred yards – Part IV
- One hundred yards – Part V
- One Magic Second
- One more step
- One nation
- One organism
- One roll
- One year in paradise – 2017
- One year with the Panasonic G1
- Oooh! Balenciaga
- Ooops!
- Open 6am
- Open House at MotoGhost
- Opening time
- Orange
- Orange
- Originality spared
- Our heart is with you
- Our Keith
- Our parks
- Out
- Out and about with the 180mm Nikkor
- Out and about with the 20mm Nikkor
- Out and about with the 28mm Nikkor
- Over the top
- Oy vey!
- Oysters
- Pachino
- Pacific Boulevard
- Paint job
- Paint Job
- Paint job
- Painted Victorian
- Painted Victorians
- Painter
- Palm Tree
- Pals
- Pampered
- Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8 Power OIS MFT lens – Part II
- Panasonic 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS MFT Lens
- Paris – 26 gigapixels
- Paris – beautiful again
- Paris 1976
- Paris Metro
- Paris revisited
- Paris, 1897
- Paris, 1974
- Parking Ticket
- Patek Philippe – Christmas 2017
- Patek Philippe – Christmas 2018
- Paz
- Peace
- Peek-a-boo
- Perfect Effects 8
- Perry’s. Again.
- Personalized plates
- Pets
- Phoenix, Sunday
- Photographs – 10 years
- Pictures from my Window
- Pictures from my Window
- Pier
- Pier – sunset
- Pierce’s Pier Café
- Pierre Bonnard
- Pig gets his
- Pig spews
- Pigeon point
- Pining
- Pink
- Pink
- Pink
- Pink cap
- Pioche
- Pizzeria
- Planting early
- Podunk, VT.
- Point Lobos
- Point Lobos
- Point Sur lightstation
- Polyhedrons
- Pool
- Poppy time
- Posh
- Postcard from SF
- Posts of the Year
- Pottering about
- Prescott, AZ
- Presidio storage
- Presidio theater
- Preston’s Ice Cream
- Pretty in Pink
- Pretty Ladies
- Princeton University
- Prison
- Public schooling
- Puerto Rico
- Pumpkins galore
- Punch & Judy
- Pup love
- Push-up
- Pushing it
- Putting the Boot in
- Rainbow – and a warning
- Ran out of Beer
- Raoul Dufy
- Raphael and advertising
- Reach!
- Reader
- Real life
- Red alleyway
- Red doors
- Red dress
- Red hat
- Red house
- Red Light District
- Red, white and blue
- Redheads
- Rednecks
- Redrum
- Redrum
- Reflection
- Reflections
- Reg Butler
- Reginald Marsh
- Religion kills
- Remains of the Day
- Remembrance
- René Gruau
- Repairs
- Restaurant
- Restoring engraved lens markings
- Réveille Coffee Co.
- Rhode Island School of Design
- Rick Stein’s Secret France
- Riding
- Robert Gambee – Downtown Manhattan
- Rollie Free
- Rooftop car
- Rosamunde Sausage Grill
- Rosie lives
- Rosie the Riveter
- Rosie the Riveter
- Rotation
- Rothko’s place
- Rough Bar
- Rough ride
- Royally well done
- Rules
- Runner
- Runner
- Running
- Sailing
- Sam’s
- San Francisco
- San Francisco from up high
- Sancho Panza
- Sanity tool
- Santa Cruz
- Santa Cruz
- Satisfied
- Sausalito
- Sausalito sunset
- Sausalito, early morning
- Scenic Lives
- School – early morning
- School Outing
- Scoma’s
- Sconce
- Scottsdale
- Scottsdale morning
- Seafood
- Season’s Greetings
- Season’s remains
- Seasoned traveler
- Secrets
- Security
- Seeing more
- Self, self, self
- Selfie
- Sequence
- Sergio Pininfarina
- Service
- Sew me
- SF late sun
- Shades
- Shadow
- Shadow Man
- Shadowed
- Shadows
- Shadows
- Shadows
- Shadows
- Shame and solution
- Shape is back!
- Shark
- Shark
- Shark
- Sharp and unsharp
- Sharp Kids
- Sheer joy!
- Shell
- Shooz
- Shooz!
- Signs
- Signs
- Silent Tear
- Silhouettes
- Silly, silly, silly
- Simple lines and colors
- Sinker
- Six in sixty and one-twenty
- Skateboarder
- Skidmore College
- Sky shot
- Skyy
- Slave system
- Smart car
- Smashed
- Smile!
- Smiling boat
- Smithy
- Smoke break
- Smooth that video
- Snake charmer
- Snap
- Snap!
- Snap! $1.3 billion.
- Snapper snapped
- Snapseed for OS X
- Snapseed for OS X improved
- Snippets
- Snow in Scottsdale
- So waddya care if it’s posed?
- Some 135s
- Some architecture
- Some night snaps
- Sometimes it does matter
- Southern Pacific
- Spanish revival
- Spare wheel
- Spare wheel
- Speakers’ Corner
- Spend Less
- Spirit of the Sixties
- Spotted yesterday
- Spring at last
- St. Patrick’s Church
- Stacks
- Stagecoach
- Staircase
- Stairs to nowhere
- Stairway to heaven
- Stanford
- Starting them young
- Starting young
- Stay Healthy
- Stay in School
- Steamed up
- Steel and concrete
- Steel Stacks
- Steve and Airheads
- Stingray
- Stohan’s Gallery
- Stop the Violence
- Stop the Violence
- Straight talk
- Street Ballet
- Street corner
- Street dogs
- Street hype
- Street men
- Street rods
- Street Sign: <---LOOK--->
- Street signs
- Street Smarts
- Street Snaps – 2010
- Street Snaps 2009-2010
- Street Snaps 2011
- Street vendor
- Stretch
- Strike
- Stripes
- Stuck
- Studio Dogs
- Studio dogs
- Studying the Form
- Style
- Sucker
- Sugarlump
- Sun block
- Sun hat
- Sun hat with groceries
- Sundae
- Sunday best
- Sunglasses
- Sunning
- Sunrise
- Sunset rocks
- Support our National Parks
- Surf’s up!
- Surf’s up!
- Surfboards
- Surfing
- Surfing the GGB
- Swarthmore College
- Swing set
- ‘Tis the Season
- TA cutout
- TA legs
- Taciturn
- Take my picture
- Taliesin West
- Tall boys
- Tanning
- Target Auto
- Tats
- Tattoo You
- Tattoo you
- Tax day
- Tax scam in blue
- Tech Day
- Teddy
- Tee time
- Terence Cuneo
- Texi’s Joyeria
- Thanks, Siri!
- Thayer Public Library
- The 20mm Nikkor revisited
- The Abduction
- The advertisement as art
- The Age of Machines
- The Ahwahnee
- The air cooled twin
- The alleyway habit
- The American Dream
- The Arabian Library
- The Arnolfini Wedding
- The arrogance of power
- The Ashuelot covered bridge
- The Bagel
- The balloon
- The Balloon
- The best fisherman
- The best parking spot
- The biggest disappointment
- The BJP
- The Boston Public Library
- The Brickhouse Café
- The Butler & The Chef Bistro
- The CA premium
- The California fire
- The Caltrain terminus
- The Capitol, Phoenix
- The cardinal returns
- The Carnegie Library
- The Catch
- The Chapel of the Holy Cross
- The Christmas calendar
- The Christmas snap
- The civilized home
- The Clark Art Institute
- The Cocktail Hour
- The Computer History Museum – Part I
- The Computer History Museum – Part II
- The cornfield maze
- The Costliest Tree in the World
- The Creamery covered bridge
- The Crow
- The deserted city
- The dog trainer
- The East End
- The Eiffel Tower
- The Embarcadero
- The embrace
- The Entrepreneur
- The Exclusionary
- The Eye
- The fall
- The fall
- The Finger
- The Flying Scotsman
- The Fountain
- The Freedom Trail
- The Full English
- The garden at night
- The garden now
- The garden now
- The Getty Villa
- The Ghost Tree
- The glance
- The GOAZ 2019 classic show
- The GOAZ vintage bike show
- The Golden Gate
- The Golden Gate bridge
- The Golden Gate Bridge – Part I
- The Golden Gate Bridge – Part II
- The Golden Gate Bridge – Part IIIalso at Amazon
- The Golden Gate Bridge – Part IV
- The Hand
- The Hebrides
- The high end
- The Hobart Building and The Galleria
- The iPhone 4S – Part I
- The iPhone 4S – Part III
- The iPhone 4S does San Francisco
- The iPhone 6 – a couple of snaps
- The Irish Bank
- The Jackling Mansion
- The Jockey
- The King
- The Kiss
- The Kiss
- The Knipex pliers wrench
- The Krays
- The Land of Strange
- The Langham
- The last time the Olympics were relevant
- The Library
- The Library, Portsmouth, NH
- The Lookout
- The Louvre
- The Luncheon
- The Machines
- The Madwoman of the Haight
- The Mantis
- The Marin Headlands
- The Mead Art Museum
- The mechanical age
- The Memorial Chapel
- The mendicant of today
- The Mob
- The Monterey Historics – 2015
- The Monterey Historics 2016
- The new ‘Vette
- The new Bernie
- The New Hudson
- The new MOMA
- The new mural
- The New Windsor Hotel
- The New York Capitol
- The Nikon D2X – Part III
- The Nikon D800 in the studio
- The North End Road
- The Norton Simon Museum
- The Oakland Bay Bridge
- The Oakland Bay Bridge – 2
- The old retainer
- The Oriental Warehouse
- The original bad boy
- The Orpheum Theater
- The other Ritz
- The other Transamerica Building
- The Palace of Fine Arts
- The Panasonic G1 – Part VIII
- The Panasonic G3 – Part VI
- The Panasonic LX100 – a closer look
- The Pirate
- The plane
- The Power of Contrast
- The Prayer
- The Preserve saved
- The President’s Year
- The Pulgas Temple
- The Pushmi-Pullyu
- The Quick and the Dead
- The Raft of the Medusa
- The Red Door
- The Rijksmuseum
- The Rincon building
- The road to Show Low
- The Saloon
- The season begins
- The secrets of America’s wealth
- The Senior Year commences
- The sentry
- The shoulder
- The show is on!
- The source of all ills
- The Steerage
- The Stein show at SF MOMA
- The Super Cub is back
- The Supper at Emmaus
- The Tadich Grill
- The throw
- The Transamerica pyramid
- The Tripod Set
- The Truck
- The Tuileries garden
- The Tuileries Garden
- The Turning Point
- The Twentieth Century Limited
- The V&A
- The Vet and the Yob
- The visceral
- The Waterfront, Portland, Maine
- The Welder
- The Welder
- The Willo Historic neighborhood
- The working man
- Then and now
- Then and now
- Thermostates
- Things go better ….
- Think Pink!
- Thinker
- Thinking of NYC
- This is your brain ….
- This way
- Thomas Eakins
- Thomson Machine Works
- Three billion
- Three plus three
- Three to five
- Tiburon
- Tickets
- Tim Cook’s design for the iPhone 6 leaked.
- Time
- To get ahead ….
- Tom Haugomat
- Tombstone, AZ
- Tomorrow’s books
- Tomorrow’s photo gallery realized
- Touch-up
- Tough guy
- Tough Guy – old style
- TR6
- Tracking Charnier
- Tracks
- Trade a Treasure
- Tram man
- Transamerica
- Transamerica
- Transamerica
- Transform
- Trattoria 1910
- Traveling in style
- Treat snap
- Tree
- Trinity College
- Trio
- Trolley Bus Flowers
- Trompe l’oeil
- Trooping the colour
- Trump’s ride
- Trump’s weekend wheels
- Tufts University
- Tuned out
- TV
- Twenty photographs
- Two bargain classics
- Two horses
- Two plus one plus two
- Two years with the Panasonic G1
- ‘ullo?
- UC Berkeley
- UCSF Mission Bay
- Umbrella
- Umbrella
- Umbrellas
- Umbria
- Unhappy
- Uniforms
- Unintended Consequences
- Union College
- Union College revisited
- Union Square at Christmas
- Universal Studios
- Up and down
- Urban Jungle
- Utility camera
- UX in Paris
- Van Gogh’s self portraits
- Vapor trails
- Variations on a Theme
- Vase and candlesticks
- Vassar College
- Vault, Dirtt and Blitz
- VE Day
- Vee Dub
- Vee Dub
- Venus
- Vermont scenes
- Vesuvio
- Victor the cobbler
- Victoria
- Victorian
- Violence
- Vogue Archive
- Volleyball
- Vuitton
- Waiting
- Waiting for the BART
- Waiting for the iPhone 4S
- Walking the pup
- Walking the pup
- Wall Street then and now
- Walter Mandler
- Wanted. Another WPA.
- Warming
- Warmth
- Warwick Fire Department
- Wash-Dry
- Washington Square
- Watching You
- Water break
- Ways of Seeing
- We work
- Wealth
- Wealth
- Web sites for photographs
- Wesleyan revisited
- Wesleyan University
- Whaler’s cabin
- Wharf reflections
- What sort of lens is that?
- When I’m 64
- Which came first?
- White Birches
- Wild West
- Wild west
- William Stout books
- Williams College
- Williams, AZ
- Wilmington, VT
- Wind Surfing
- Window
- Window Dressing
- Window view, more Mono
- Windows
- Windows and Door
- Wine carrier
- Winging it
- Winston and Vermeer
- Winston is eleven
- Winston is seven
- Winter
- Winter sunset
- Wise Sons
- Wise words
- Wishful thinking
- With the dinosaurs
- With the nosey set
- Wither now
- Wood chipper
- Wooden horse
- Woodworking shop
- Woody
- Woof!
- Work out
- Working at widescreen
- Worn
- Worth a thousand words
- Wow!
- Wrench
- Wrenching in the heat
- Wright awful
- Wyoming
- Yale University
- Yeah, right.
- Yer what?
- Yo! Dude
- Yoo Hoo
- You Lookin’ at Me?
- Your nearest and dearest
- Yucca
- Yucca
- Yuma
- Yummy!