A complete index of technical articles featured in these pages.
You will find 1532 posts in the category Photography on this blog.
Jump to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- 1,474 megapixels
- 1/160 @ f/2
- 10 years on
- 100mbs
- 100mm, f/1.4
- 135 launches
- 1929 Redux
- 1Password and the iPad
- 20 snaps = 1 gigabyte
- 200 megapixels
- 2005 – taking stock.
- 2006 Best (and Worst) of the Year awards
- 2007 Best (and Worst) of the Year awards
- 21st Amendment
- 250 ASA
- A (QTVR) brush with the law
- A bargain and a classic
- A bargain basement G1
- A bargain from Apple
- A better cable for the iPad
- A bigger hard drive for the MacBook Air
- A bigger MBA SSD
- A bigger Panny?
- A break in the storm
- A bully gets his
- A cheap remote for the Canon 5D
- A cheap wireless remote
- A cheap, huge monitor
- A cool iPhone case
- A couple from the 35mm Nikkor
- A crank for cranks
- A dirt cheap eReader
- A face in the window
- A Fantasy
- A few from Santa Cruz
- A few from the 50mm f/1.4 Nikkor
- A few from the 80~200 f/4.5 Nikkor
- A Filoli panorama and a wish
- A first Deep Fusion test
- A first HDR experiment
- A fool and his money….
- A fortnight with Mountain Lion
- A good message needs few words
- A good snort
- A good try
- A Gorgeous Bit o’ Bottle
- A great Lightroom 3 book
- A great Quick Release tripod attachment
- A handy Apple ProRAW converter for the iPhone
- A handy backpack
- A handy bag
- A Lightroom user’s experience
- A little more speed for the HP100
- A little tweak here ….
- A matte screen MacBook Air
- A Mighty Mouse replacement
- A new desktop look
- A palliative
- A part of me is no more
- A plug-in for filmies
- A predictable disappointment
- A prodigal son returns
- A real workout
- A revolutionary decade
- A revolutionary year in hardware and software
- A roll of Ektar
- A simple precaution
- A smart move from Panasonic
- A Smile
- A stroll along the Embarcadero
- A tale of two fifties
- A tale of two lenses
- A tale of two sensors
- A ten year digital device
- A tripod mount for the iPhone 11
- A true Panasonic G1 shutter count
- A Wii lesson for camera makers
- A wireless remote for the Panasonic G range
- A World from my Balcony
- A wrist strap for the iPhone
- About One
- ACR lens profiles
- Add the PP&P icon to your iOS device
- Adding a CPU to MF Nikkor lenses – Part I
- Adding a CPU to MF Nikkor lenses – Part II
- Adding a Fusion Drive to the Mac Pro – Part XXXI
- Adding a third monitor
- Adding EXIF data to film scans
- Adding indexes to LTM lenses
- Adding sound to QTVR panoramas – Part I
- Adding sound to QTVR panoramas – Part II
- Adding sound to QTVR panoramas – Part III
- Adding surround sound to a 2 channel system
- Adding surround sound to a 2 channel system – second source
- Adjusting the CPU focus point in MF Nikkor lenses
- Adjusting the QTVR image
- Adobe Flash on the iPad
- Adobe Ideas
- Adobe Photoshop Express
- Adobe’s Creative Cloud
- Adobe’s Deblur
- Advice for Mr. Cook
- AeriCam
- AF and AFD Nikkors
- Affinity Photo 2
- After the harvest
- After the Purge
- Ahead of the curve
- AirDrop
- AirPlay with multiple speakers
- AirTags
- Alternative keyboards
- Always carry …. a sound recorder?
- AMD Radeon GPUs
- America’s economic independence
- Americans pulling together
- Amos Chapple on the iPhone 11 Pro
- An American tragedy
- An amusing review
- An awesome viewfinder
- An earnest walk along Mission Street
- An economy Hackintosh – Part I
- An economy Hackintosh – Part II
- An efficient Lion installation
- An excellent Lightroom book
- An excellent Photoshop CS5 book
- An exchange of shared values
- An inexpensive Mac Pro mouse
- An iPad warranty
- An old Mac Mini for the home theater
- Analog rocks
- Anchorage 1978
- And now for some pictures
- Andy Grove
- Anonymous writes
- Another 10 years?
- Another EVF SLR
- Another fine Photoshop CS5 book
- Another hosing for the taxpayer
- Another iPad Photos anomaly
- Another Panasonic GX7
- Another sound panorama
- Another SSD for the HackPro
- Another unnecessary solution
- Any day now ….
- Aperture and Lightroom
- Aperture cheap
- Apple announces toaster
- Apple Battery Charger hype
- Apple boneheads
- Apple changes – 10 years
- Apple Cinema Display – Part XXVII
- Apple discards the college business
- Apple kills Aperture
- Apple Magic Mouse
- Apple News +
- Apple Photos for OS X
- Apple to fire Intel
- Apple’s awful hardware
- Apple’s Pages revisited
- Apple. Stupid.
- Apple. Con.
- AppleCare and warranty math
- AppleTV Mark III
- Apropos nothing
- Arctic Sound P311 headphones
- Are your images being stolen?
- As the chaps at Monty Python once put it ….
- AsmaGate
- Aspect ratios
- At Shake Shack
- At the grocer’s
- At the grocer’s
- At the library
- At the movies
- At the Movies – 10 years
- At the Wharf
- Attention spans
- Audrey and Leica
- Auto Blur
- Auto Blur updated
- Autochromes
- Autoviewer
- Autumn – 2007
- Back to the future
- Back to the future
- Back to the Past
- Background Blur
- Bad Mac advice
- Balls
- Barbara’s Fish Trap
- Bargain of the year
- Bartlett Lake, AZ
- BBC iPlayer
- Be skeptical
- Beating the burn
- Beautiful Planet
- Bel Air – 2015
- Bento
- Best and Worst
- Better HTML Export
- Better sound
- Beware the Cloud
- Big small storage
- Big Storage
- Bigger and faster
- Black and White is dead
- Black Swans and photography
- Bluetooth ruminations
- Blurb revisited
- Borrowlenses.com
- Bourke-White redux
- Boxers
- Brand awareness
- Brand no longer matters
- Brands and investments
- Breakfast
- Breakfast
- Breaking up
- British humor
- Buck’s
- Buildings
- Butt ugly. $60k+.
- Butterfly
- Caffe Roma
- Camera of the Year
- Camera prices unchanged in 50 years
- Camera profiles in Lightroom
- Cameras and aesthetic design
- Cameras and boat anchors
- Cameras and loyalty
- Cameras in 2010
- CameraTrace
- Candid Virtual Reality
- Canon – you need to fix your glass
- Canon 100mm Macro – Part I
- Canon 100mm Macro-L with IS
- Canon 15mm Fisheye lens – Part I
- Canon 15mm Fisheye lens – Part II
- Canon 15mm Fisheye lens – Part III
- Canon 1Ds Mark III
- Canon 200mm f/2.8 ‘L’ lens
- Canon 20mm – some further thoughts
- Canon 35mm f/2 – some results
- Canon 35mm f/2 LTM
- Canon 400mm f/5.6 ‘L’ lens – Part I
- Canon 400mm f/5.6 ‘L’ lens – Part II
- Canon 50mm f/1.4 – some results
- Canon 50mm f/1.4 LTM
- Canon 5D – can you say speed?
- Canon 5D – time to wait
- Canon 5D in use
- Canon 5D sensor dust
- Canon 5D sensor dust revisited
- Canon and collimation
- Canon and Goebbels
- Canon EOS 5D firmware update
- Canon EOS 5D Macho model
- Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Canon EOS-1D C camera
- Canon lens quirk
- Canon sensors and the 5D
- Canon’s 20mm f/2.8 lens
- Canon’s big guns
- Canon’s EOS Capture
- Canson Infinity ink jet paper
- Car wash
- CarBak
- Carbon Copy Cloner
- Cartoons, grafitti and photographs
- Cataloging movies and books
- Change or die
- Charm
- Cheap and good
- Cheap Arca plates
- Cheap filters
- Cheap pretentiousness
- Cheap scans
- Cheap sound recording for your computer
- Cheap, not nasty
- Chef Kurita
- Chiat/Day
- Choices
- Christmas gifts
- ClamXav
- Class
- Classics
- Cleaning house
- Cleaning HP DesignJet print heads
- Click bait
- Cloud computing and MobileMe
- Collections and Slideshows
- Color magazine
- Colorize me
- Columns of the year 2012 – Part 1 of 3
- Columns of the year 2012 – Part 2 of 3
- Columns of the year 2012 – Part 3 of 3
- Coming closer to God
- Computational photography
- Computer of the Year
- Computer of the year – 2010
- Congratulations to the NYT
- Contax II
- Contax IIa
- Converting old MF Nikkors
- Correcting verticals
- Costly excess
- CrashPlan – Part I
- CrashPlan – Part II
- CrashPlan – Part III
- CrashPlan – Part IV
- CrashPlan – Part V
- Crop it Good
- Cropping is just a tool
- Cull ratios
- Cutting your losses
- D&G
- D700 – first impressions
- D700 – in the studio
- D700 dream trio
- D700 in use
- D700 options
- Data Rescue …. to the rescue
- Death
- Death knell tolls
- Death of the Photojournalist
- Deep Fusion
- Degas – Photographer
- Delegate the drudge of routine printing
- Dell 2209WA monitor
- Design
- Design
- Design consistency
- Desperation at Nikon
- Desperation Purchases
- Dick Blick
- Did he, or didn’t he?
- Digger
- Digital Dust
- Digital hits a wall
- Digital Leica – not!
- Digital schmigital
- Digital tampering
- Digitizing slides
- Dino Motors
- Direct gaze
- Dirt cheap
- Disk Drill
- Does equipment matter?
- Dogpatch and Pier 70
- Downtown Los Angeles
- DSLRs and wifi
- DxO Optics Pro Elite
- DxO ViewPoint
- Early MF Nikkor lenses
- Earth
- Easy Hackintosh wi-fi
- Ecco Ristorante
- Eddie Rickenbacker’s
- Edwin Land and genius
- El Orance is 50
- Electricity and magic
- Electronic surprises in 2018
- Elitism
- End of Empire
- Enhanced indexing of this site
- Enhanced QTVR interactive features
- Enjoying processing
- Enough with the Cloud, already
- Epson ET-8550 – ink use
- Epson ET-8550 – monochrome printing
- Epson ET-8550 – printing ICC test targets
- Epson ET-8550 printer – color matching and Quality
- Epson’s EVF
- Epson-ET8550 – using a tailored ICC profile
- Ergonomics and cameras
- Essential Blu-Ray movies
- Everything that is wrong with America
- Exakta Varex
- Exciting times for medium format digital
- Excuse me while I examine my Portlait setting through the Glid
- EXIF tailoring in Lightroom
- Experts and pictures
- Eye One Display software – OS Lion
- Eye-Fi and iPad
- Eye-One Display 2 colorimeter update
- EyeOne and OS X Lion
- EyeOne and OS X Lion – updated
- EyeOne revisited with Mountain Lion
- Facades
- Failure rates and fraud
- Fake Nikon camera batteries
- Falling lives
- Fan management in the Mac Pro – Part XXIX
- Faster SSDs
- Favorite gear of 2012
- Favorite posts of 2007
- Fifteen billion and perfect
- Fighting for dynamic range
- Film is Dead
- Film or Digital
- Film was awful. It still is.
- Finally, a good HDR image
- Finally, a QTVR HDR real life panorama
- Fire sale
- First film results
- Five criteria
- Five stars
- Five years of the iPhone
- Five years old today
- Fix that flap
- Fixing distortions
- Fixing MicroUSB
- Fixing the LG OLED 65″ TV
- Fixing viewing in the Nikon FE
- Focos depth masks
- Folders and collapsibles
- For the yearbook
- Ford vs. Ferrari
- Forget Technique
- Formula One – Bravo Honda!
- Fotopedia
- Found, at last!
- Four displays
- FrameShop
- Framing Really Big Prints
- Framing really big prints – an update
- Free Ruler
- Frescos and photography
- Fringale
- From light to bulk
- Frustration
- Fuji disappoints – again
- Fuji FX100
- Fuji FX100 web site
- Fuji X-Pro1 and Canon G1X
- Fuji X100 – deeply flawed
- Fuji X100 battery
- Fuji X100 brochure
- Fuji X100 manual
- Fuji X100 technical considerations
- Fuji X100s
- Fuji X100V
- Fuji, what IS your problem?
- Full aperture
- Full frame bargains
- Full Time Manual Focus
- Fun with the B&H catalog
- G1 discontinued?
- Geotagging revisited
- Gérald Genta
- Getting closer
- Getting greedy
- Getting rid of zenith and nadir ‘holes’
- Giving Thanks
- Global interest
- Glossy paper
- Go ahead. Be a creep.
- Go where the money is
- Going Big
- Going glossy
- Good Photographs and Car Accidents
- Goodbye 2006
- Goodbye Kodachrome, hullo freedom.
- Goodbye Lightroom
- Goodbye, Canon and Thank You.
- Goodbye, Mr. Jobs and thank you.
- GoodReader – a solid file system for the iPad
- Google – a culture of theft?
- Google goes QTVR
- Google Translate
- Google’s culture revisited
- Gossen Luna-Pro F
- Grain
- Grain is dead
- Great news for iPad owners
- Great news from Nikon
- Great pictures! You must have an expensive camera.
- Greens
- Guadalupe
- Guardian Eyewitness
- Hackintosh goes Kepler – Part I
- Hackintosh goes Kepler – Part II
- Happy Memorial Day
- Happy New Year
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.
- Hardware changes in 2024
- Hardware of the Year
- Hardware of the Year
- Hassleblad CFV-50c
- Haswell
- Haswell for the desktop
- Hayes Street Grill
- HDD storage
- HDMI on the Hackintosh
- HDR for street snappers
- Hearst’s Castle
- Helicon Focus
- Helicon Focus – improved
- Hey!
- Hide My Email
- High contrast scenes
- Hit with the ugly stick
- Hitting the wall
- How (not to) do security
- How (not) to sell your gear
- How many pixels?
- How much is too much?
- How not to succeed
- How to blow $7bn in 3 months
- How to clear a cocktail party
- How to destroy a legacy
- How to run a photo business
- How to save a $billion
- How wide is the iPhone UWA lens?
- HP DesignJet – an update
- HP DesignJet 90 – Part I
- HP DesignJet 90 – Part II
- HP Designjet 90 – Part III
- HP DesignJet 90 – Part IV
- HP DesignJet 90 ink use
- HP Designjet 90 still available!
- HP DesignJet 90/130 with Mavericks
- HP DesignJet annual checkup
- HP DesignJet monochrome printing
- HP Designjet paper profiles in Lightroom 2
- HP Designjet printer head cleaning and repair
- HP DesignJet printhead diagnosis
- HP DesignJet Z photo printer
- HP DJ90 with Snow Leopard
- HP dye printing paper
- HP ink costs
- HP100 – keeping the i7 cool
- HP100 adds USB3
- Hullo? Hullo?
- Hurricane Sandy
- Hurry. It’s almost over.
- Hyper-wide candids
- I like Leicas as much as the next man….
- iBooks Author
- Ice cream
- iCloud
- If all else fails, Make Mine Monochrome.
- If caps could talk
- If it can go wrong ….
- iMac engineers on Labor Day
- iMac HDD swap? No way.
- iMac surgery – Part I
- iMac surgery – Part II
- iMac surgery – Part III
- iMac surgery – Part IV
- Image processing
- ImageWell
- Immersive media
- Imminent failure
- Importing into Lightroom
- Improved Nikon GPS
- In praise of Black Dog
- In the Conservatory
- In the dark
- In the flower garden
- In the studio
- Indy developers rock!
- Ink and paper supplies
- Innovation is not invention
- Inside Samsung’s design lab
- Inside the Box
- Intel improves its SSD
- Into the Storm
- Into the sun
- Intuit’s sloth
- Investment advice
- iOS 15.4 improvements
- iOS6 panoramas
- iPad – first impressions
- iPad – first reactions
- iPad – getting ready
- iPad – one month later
- iPad – which size?
- iPad alternatives
- iPad application issues
- iPad battery replacement
- iPad Camera Connection Kit
- iPad connectivity
- iPad in the studio
- iPad mini – 2021
- iPad Pro
- iPad screen ratios and utilization
- iPad v2
- iPad wifi misbehavior
- iPad wifi speeds
- iPad wishes
- iPad Zagg screen protector
- iPhone 11 Pro – Part I
- iPhone 11 Pro – Part II
- iPhone 11 Pro 1.54mm ultrawide lens correction profile
- iPhone 11 Pro resolution
- iPhone 11 ultrawide lens and focus
- iPhone 12 on order
- iPhone 12 Pro
- iPhone 12 Pro Max – some observations
- iPhone 12Pro Max bumper
- iPhone 5 – my guess
- iPhone auxiliary lenses
- iPhone Explorer
- iPhone Pro – Part III
- iPhone Pro – Part IV
- iPhone Pro – Part IX
- iPhone Pro – Part V
- iPhone Pro – Part VI
- iPhone Pro – Part VII
- iPhone Pro – Part VIII
- iPhone X
- iPhone5
- iPhone7
- iPhoto on the iPad
- Is it enough if you just enjoy it?
- iSlate predictions
- It was 25 years ago today ….
- It was 7 years ago today
- It was an accident, honest!
- It’s the software, stupid
- iTablet/iSlate/iWhatever
- iTMS podcasts
- Itoya large print albums – update
- Itoya large print portfolio
- iTunes U
- Ive and Newson
- Ivy Bridge in the Hackintosh
- Joe Holmes on the D800
- Jony Ive on Steve Jobs
- July 4, 2006
- Just avoid holding it that way
- Just walking the pup
- Kate O’Briens
- Keks M-meter for Leica M
- Kevin and Tiger
- Keywords in Lightroom
- Kindle Paperwhite
- Kindle Paperwhite – 2015 edition
- Kinect
- King Pano head – Part I
- King Pano head and PTMac – Part II
- King Pano head and PTMac – Part III
- Kitchenaid Artisan 5-Qt. stand mixer
- Kitsch
- Kodachrome
- Kodachrome – the only excuse to use film
- Kodak ads
- Kodak Ektar film
- Kodak RIP
- La Briciola
- Label drinkers
- Label drinkers revisited
- Laguna Seca – Vintage 2013
- Lameography
- Large prints on canvas
- Latest Canon 5D firmware
- Latest ICC color profiles for HP Designjet dye printers
- Latest iMac 27″ bench tests
- LCD screens
- Learning monochrome
- Legacy Nikon lenses
- Leica 25mm f/1.4 Summilux MFT
- Leica M10 – Part I
- Leica M10 – Part II
- Leica M11
- Leica M2 – Asahi Camera review
- Leica M3
- Leica makes disposable camera
- Leica X Vario
- Leica’s Watergate
- Leicameter
- Leicameter
- Leicameter MR4
- Leitz 400mm f/6.8 Telyt
- Leitz 90mm f/2.8 Tele-Elmarit – some results
- Leitz Trinovid binoculars
- Leni Riefenstahl
- Lenny
- Lens of the Year
- Lens profile correction in practice
- Lest we forget
- Let there be light
- Let’s Be Wild
- Levi’s
- LG Electronics OLED65C7P 65-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED TV
- Lightroom 2
- Lightroom 2 keyboard shortcuts
- Lightroom 2 on an older Mac
- Lightroom 2 Trial
- Lightroom 2 tutorials
- Lightroom 2 Upgrade
- Lightroom 2.0
- Lightroom 2: Keywording
- Lightroom 3
- Lightroom 3 grain
- Lightroom 3 Lens Profile Creator
- Lightroom 4 Beta
- Lightroom 4 rocks
- Lightroom 5
- Lightroom 5 Beta
- Lightroom 5.3
- Lightroom 6
- Lightroom and round trips
- Lightroom Classic and paper profiles
- Lightroom defaults
- Lightroom on an older Mac
- Lightroom soft proofing and printing
- Lightroom supercharged
- Lightroom Tutorials
- Lightroom wins
- Lightroom with Shutterfly
- Like a beautiful old Leica ….
- Like the old days – not!
- Limekiln
- Linhof S168 tripod
- Lion on the Hackintosh
- Listmania
- Logitech G500 gaming mouse
- Logitech MX Revolution Cordless Laser Mouse
- Long thoughts
- Looking to the future
- Losing my (large format) virginity.
- Louche Annie
- Louche Long
- Lugs and wombats
- Lumin
- Luna-Tik
- Lytro – dead wrong.
- Mac Mini – 2020
- Mac Mini M4 – Part I
- Mac Mini M4 – Part II
- Mac Mini M4 – Part III
- Mac Mini M4 – Part IV
- Mac Mini M4 – Part V
- Mac Mini M4 after one month – Part VI
- Mac OS 10.8.3
- Mac OS Lion
- Mac OS X is Ten years old
- Mac Pro 2009 Part II
- Mac Pro 2009 Part III
- Mac Pro 2009 Part V
- Mac Pro 2009 Part VI
- Mac Pro 2009 Part VII
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part I
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XIII
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XIV
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XV
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XVI
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XVII
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XVIII
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XXV
- Mac Pro 2009 – Part XXVI
- Mac Pro 2009 Part IV
- Mac Pro 2009 Part IX
- Mac Pro 2009 Part VIII
- Mac Pro 2009 Part X
- Mac Pro 2009 Part XII
- Mac Pro 2009 Part XXI
- Mac Pro 2009 Part XXIII
- Mac Pro 2009 Part XXIV
- Mac Pro 2013
- Mac Pro 2019
- Mac Pro buying opportunities
- MacBook 2017/2018
- MacBook Air 2012 – Part I
- MacBook Air 2012 – Part II
- MacBook Air 2013 – Part I
- MacBook Air 2013 – Part II
- MacBook Air 2014
- MacBook Air 2015
- MacMini – just say No.
- MacMini 2012
- Macro lenses
- Macs and nuts
- Macworld
- Making an eBook
- Making huge prints
- Making Lion roar
- Making the Reflex Nikkor sing
- Manhattan on Manhattan
- Manual change
- Market Street
- Marketing and choice
- Meat cleaver
- Mediasonic HF2-SU3S2 4 bay drive enclosure
- Mediocrity
- Meet my new view camera
- Memory, nostalgia and family albums
- Merry Christmas
- Messing about
- Metropol
- Micro Four Thirds
- Microsoft Surface
- Microsoft Surface recycled
- Midnight in Paris
- Migrating to Lightroom from Aperture
- Mind blown
- Minox B
- Minting it
- Mirror slap in the 5D revisited
- Mirror slap in the Canon 5D
- Mise en place
- Missed it!
- Missing in 2012
- Mob occupies US Capitol
- MobileMe revisited
- Modern trends
- Monitor calibration
- Monochrome cop out
- Monochrome flashback
- Moom
- More censorship from Leica
- More desaturation
- More film, another lab
- More Helicon macros
- More large format adventures
- More lies from CBS
- More on Adobe lens corrections in Lightroom 3
- More on keywords
- More on Lightroom printing
- More on PDF book publishing
- More on single image tone mapping
- Morning in America
- Mountain Lion – don’t rush
- Mountain Lion on the Hackintosh
- Mounting Big Prints revisited
- Mounting glossy prints
- Mounting hell
- Mounting Really Big Prints
- Multi-media rocks!
- Music box photography is back
- Musso & Frank’s grill
- My desk
- My gear cabinet
- My iPad is for sale!
- Nagel Pupille
- Nap
- NASA is back!
- National Geographic
- Neil Armstrong
- Networking Macs
- Never underestimate the consumer’s taste
- New balls for the iPad
- New EOS 5D firmware
- New! Improved!
- Next year’s model
- Nexus 7 2013 tablet – Part IV
- Nexus 7 2013 tablet – Part I
- Nexus 7 2013 tablet – Part II
- Nexus 7 2013 tablet – Part III
- Nexus 7 2013 tablet – Part V
- Night Mode optimisation
- Nik Collection
- NIK collection now free
- Nikkor 20mm f/3.5 Ai-S lens
- Nikkor 105mm f/4 Micro-Nikkor Ai-S macro lens
- Nikkor 16-35mm AF-S f/4 ED N VR lens
- Nikkor 180mm f/2.8 AF ED-IF lens
- Nikkor 20mm f/2.8 AiS lens
- Nikkor 20mm f/3.5 UD lens
- Nikkor 24-120mm f/3.5-5.6D IF AF lens
- Nikkor 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5D AF lens
- Nikkor 300mm f/4.5 ED IF AIS MF lens
- Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G AF-S DX lens
- Nikkor 500mm f/8N AI Reflex lens
- Nikkor 55mm f/3.5 Micro lens
- Nikkor 80~200mm f/4.5 Ai lens
- Nikkor AF 35-70mm f/2.8D zoom lens
- Nikkor AI conversions DIY
- Nikkor N.C. 28mm f/2 lens
- Nikkor Series E 75-150 mm f/3.5 MF zoom lens
- Nikkor-H 28mm f/3.5 lens
- Nikkor-H 85mm f/1.8 lens
- Nikkor-H Auto 50mm f/2 lens
- Nikkor-HC Auto 50mm f/2 lens
- Nikkor-N.C 24mm lens
- Nikkor-O 35mm f/2 lens
- Nikkor-P 105mm f/2.5 lens
- Nikkor-Q 135mm f/3.5
- Nikkor-Q 200mm f/4 lens
- Nikkor-S 50mm f/1.4 lens
- Nikon – a magnificent legacy
- Nikon 43-86mm f/3.5 in use
- Nikon 43-86mm f/3.5 zoom lens – Part I
- Nikon 43-86mm f/3.5 zoom lens – Part II
- Nikon 80-200 Zooms
- Nikon buyers beware
- Nikon D700 Guide by Thom Hogan
- Nikon D800 cropping
- Nikon D800 film scanning – Part I
- Nikon D800 film scanning – Part IV
- Nikon D800 film scanning – Part II
- Nikon D800 film scanning – Part III
- Nikon D800 vs. Noritsu HQ film scans
- Nikon D850
- Nikon Df
- Nikon F100
- Nikon FF lens selection
- Nikon FF mirrorless bodies
- Nikon Magnifying Eyepiece
- Nikon MB-D10 battery grip
- Nikon V1
- Nikon voice memos
- Nikon’s bizarre pricing
- No looking back
- No more black market
- No more Comments
- No more cover-ups
- No more dead forests
- No more Google Reader
- No more identity theft
- No more slot loading
- No pig for Pig
- Noise
- North by Northwest
- Not for what?
- Not in the Canon 5D Mark II
- Not really luck
- Nova
- Nuclear Wintour
- NYC in the snow
- O’Neill’s
- Of current interest
- Of trolls and losers
- Oh! Siri
- Oklahoma!
- Olympus 17mm f/1.8 MFT Zuiko – Part I
- Olympus 17mm f/1.8 MFT Zuiko – Part III
- Olympus 17mm f/1.8 MFT Zuiko Part II
- Olympus 45mm F/1.8 MFT Zuiko – Part I
- Olympus 45mm F/1.8 MFT Zuiko – Part II
- Olympus 9-18mm MFT lens – Part I
- Olympus 9-18mm MFT lens – Part II
- Olympus 9-18mm MFT lens – Part III
- Olympus E-M5 II
- Olympus EP-1 …. woof!
- Olympus fades
- Olympus gets serious
- Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II – Part I
- Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II – Part II
- On Leica cameras
- On reflection
- On speed
- Once magazine
- One hundred yards – Part V
- One more reason the press is dying
- One week with Lion
- One year later
- One year with the Epson ET-8550 printer
- One year with the Panasonic G1
- Online digital storage
- OS X – the new Windows
- OS X Mavericks
- OS X Yosemite
- Out and about with the 20mm Nikkor
- Out and about with the 28mm Nikkor
- Outstanding journalism
- Pachino
- Pages for books
- Paint job
- Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8 Power OIS MFT lens – Part I
- Panasonic 12-35mm f/2.8 Power OIS MFT lens – Part II
- Panasonic 14-42mm Power Zoom lens
- Panasonic 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 OIS MFT Lens
- Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 MFT lens – Part I
- Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 MFT lens – Part II
- Panasonic 3D lens
- Panasonic 45-200 mm lens for the G1 – Part I
- Panasonic 45-200 mm lens for the G1 – Part II
- Panasonic FF mirrorless imminent
- Panasonic G1 grain
- Panasonic G1 software updates
- Panasonic GF1
- Panasonic GF1 – close, no cigar
- Panasonic GX7 firmware update
- Panasonic GX8
- Panasonic Leica 15mm f/1.7 MFT lens
- Panasonic Lumix 20mm Micro Four-Thirds lens
- Panasonic Lumix GX7 – Part I
- Panasonic Lumix GX7 – Part II
- Panasonic Lumix GX7 – Part III
- Panasonic Lumix GX7 – Part IV
- Panasonic Lumix GX7 – Part V
- Panasonic Lumix GX7 spare batteries
- Panasonic Lumix S5
- Panasonic LX100
- Panasonic S1R FF SLR
- Pandora’s Box
- Panny underwhelms
- Paranoia ….
- Payola and conflicts of interest
- PDF camera manuals on the iPad
- PDF file size and definition
- Peace
- Pearls among swine
- Pentax does it right
- Pentax Q
- Perfect Effects 8
- Perfect Resize 7
- Photographers and bullfighters
- Photographs – 10 years
- Photography and the CPI
- Photography books – 10 years
- Photography is not a group activity
- Photography is over
- Photography podcasts
- Photojournalism is dead
- Photojournalism now
- Photomatix HDR
- Photoshop CS5
- Photoshop CS5 and CAF
- Photoshop on the 2012 MacBook Air
- Picture frames
- Picture Packages
- Pixel peeping fallacies
- Pixel peeping the D2x
- Plasma displays
- Plex
- Pluto
- Poaching eggs
- Pocket Light Meter
- Pogo stylus for iPad
- Political photography
- Portrait modes in the iPhone 11
- Posts of the Year
- Pre-Ai-S Nikkor exposure issues
- Preparing for the big day
- Print the facts, forget the rumors
- Printer profiles and root canals
- Printing paper for the HP DesignJet 30/90/130 – Part I
- Printing paper for the HP DesignJet 30/90/130 – Part II
- Printing paper for the HP DesignJet 30/90/130 – Part III
- Printing Paper for the HP DesignJet 30/90/130 – Part IV – Fade tests
- Proud to be an American ….
- PTLens
- Publish or be damned
- Publishing with Blurb – Part I
- Publishing with Blurb – Part II
- Pushing it
- Putting my money….
- Putting out the garbage
- Q & A
- Q&A five years on
- QTVR on the big screen
- QTVR on the TV screen
- QTVR panoramas on my web site
- Quack, quack, quack.
- Quadcopter imagery
- Quality is subjective
- Quality VR photography
- Quesabesde on the Fuji X100
- QuickTime + High Dynamic Range photography
- Quicktime movie enhancements
- Ralph Lauren Fall 2012
- Rambo meets Mitsumoto Sakari
- Random posts
- Reading on the iPad
- Really Large Prints
- Reassuring myself
- Recapturing the Leica spirit
- Recent Nvidia cards in the Mac Pro
- Red dress
- Red house
- Redwoods redux
- Reflx light meter
- Remote strobe trigger
- Remote with an iTunes music server
- Remove ads from Apple News
- René Gruau
- Resist the temptation
- Restoring enameled cookware
- Restoring engraved lens markings
- Rich
- Rick Stein’s Secret France
- Ring flash
- Ripping Blu-Ray DVDs
- Rokinon MFT 7.5mm f/3.5 MFT fisheye lens – Part I
- Rolex Datejust 41
- Rolleiflex 6003
- Rooftop car
- Rosamunde Sausage Grill
- Rot
- Rotating your artwork display
- Ruchi
- Runner
- Running Lightroom on the iPad
- Running Windows on a Mac
- Samsung rises
- Saving Sammy’s best
- Scam
- Scanning film with a DSLR – video
- SDHC cards in the Canon 5D
- Second fifteen
- Secular thinking
- Security fasteners for AirTags
- Seeing more
- Seiko PADI solar
- Senility is a nasty thing
- Sensor (non)sense
- Sensor cleaning
- Sensor cleaning on the cheap
- Serial dropping
- Serial failure
- Serious magic
- Serious magic from NASA
- SF late sun
- Shake a Leg
- Sharp and unsharp
- Sharpening the 35mm f/3.5 Summaron RF
- Sharpness – film scans vs. digital files
- Sheer charm
- Shelves that slide
- Shocking hypocrisy
- Should Apple make a stand alone camera?
- Shutter lag
- Shutterfly
- Shutterfly photobooks
- Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 APS-C zoom
- Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM A1 for Nikon – Part I
- Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM A1 for Nikon – Part II
- Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM A1 Nikon – update
- Sigma DP1 – pass
- Sigma DP1 – update
- Signs of intelligence at Leica
- Simple animation
- Simple lines and colors
- Single image tone mapping
- Site search has been fixed
- Six into One does go
- Small sensor noise
- Smarter eBooks
- Smoked beef brisket
- Smooth that video
- Snap!
- Snapseed
- Snapseed for OS X
- Snapseed for OS X improved
- Snow Leopard – Just Say No
- Snow Leopard 10.6.7
- Snow Leopard coming around
- So you thought f/1.4 was fast?
- Sofabaton U1 universal remote
- Soft proofing with Lightroom
- Software aberration correction
- Software of the year
- Software of the Year
- Software of the Year
- Software of the Year
- Software of the Year
- Solutions looking for problems
- Some 135s
- Some architecture
- Some G1 statistics
- Some more thoughts on ImageAlign
- Some outdoor HDR experiments
- Some prints yield a fond goodbye to medium format
- Something’s afoot at Panasonic
- Sony a7C
- Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 III
- Sony NEX-5
- Sony NEX-7
- Sony RX1 camera
- Sound memories
- Sound recording
- Spam in the RSS feed
- Speed
- Spot the difference
- Spot the film user
- Spot the Sociopath
- Square
- SSDs and TRIM
- Stacks
- Stamp out sensor dust
- Still movies
- Stop wasting Time – Part I
- Storage is power
- Street Smarts
- Street Snaps 2009-2010
- Strong foregrounds make for strong panoramas
- Studio Flash
- Stuff
- Stumbling about
- Supersize me
- Swing set
- SX-70
- Take fewer pictures
- Taking Rube Goldberg for a spin
- Talent
- Taste and discretion
- Technical articles – 10 years
- Technology changes – 10 years
- Ten questions for Mr. Cook
- Tessina
- Test your Photo IQ
- Tethered photography with Lightroom 2
- Tethered shooting with Lightroom
- Thanks, Mr. Land
- Thanksgiving 2023
- Thanksgiving?
- That Canon wonder lens again
- That first ‘roll’
- The ‘new’ Leica M9P
- The 2012 tech budget
- The 2018 iPad
- The 2018 iPhones
- The 20mm Nikkor revisited
- The 400mm close-up lens
- The Abduction
- The Age of Machines
- The amazing technology price spiral
- The Apple Watch
- The AppleTV with the iPad and iOS 4
- The bad old days
- The BenQ PD3200Q 32 inch monitor
- The best $140 you will ever spend
- The best bread knife – Tojiro
- The best computer ever
- The biggest loss in the demise of the LP ….
- The Biltmore, Santa Barbara
- The Brickhouse Café
- The BTS steadicam
- The Burning House
- The Butler & The Chef Bistro
- The Canon 85mm f/1.8 lens in the studio
- The cardinal returns
- The CD is dead
- The Christmas snap
- The Computer History Museum – Part II
- The Contarex
- The cost of gear
- The Crown Graphic
- The cult of Leica
- The curse of black
- The designer as star
- The dumbwatch
- The end of IT hegemony
- The EPL theory of success
- The Epson ET-8550 printer
- The first color image
- The Fish Market
- The Fuji X100 – time to wait
- The Full English
- The future of ‘serious’ cameras
- The future of the desktop computer
- The G1 kit lens
- The genius of Kodak
- The genius of Steve Jobs
- The Glif
- The GTX980 GPU for the Mac Pro – Part XXX
- The Hackintosh and Blu-Ray
- The Hackintosh for 2013
- The Hackintosh gets a speed boost
- The HackMini
- The HackPro – Part I
- The HackPro – Part II
- The HackPro and obsolescence
- The HackPro gains an SSD
- The HackPro upgraded
- The HP Slate
- The iPad 3
- The iPad after one week – hardware
- The iPad after one week – software
- The iPad Air
- The iPad as a second or third display
- The iPad as drawing tablet
- The iPad Mini
- The iPad Mini – Part 1
- The iPad Mini – Part II
- The iPad six months later
- The iPad’s IPS screen
- The iPhone 11 Pro
- The iPhone 4S – Part I
- The iPhone 4S – Part II
- The iPhone 4S – Part III
- The iPhone 4S does San Francisco
- The iPhone 5 – Part I
- The iPhone 5 – Part II
- The iPhone 5 camera
- The iPhone 6
- The iPhone 6 – a couple of snaps
- The iPhone 6 – Part II
- The iPhone is 10
- The Kindle Fire
- The Kodak Girl
- The L5 Remote
- The last great iMac – September, 2016
- The last Hackintosh – the HP100 – Part I
- The last Hackintosh – the HP100 – Part II
- The last Hackintosh – the HP100 – Part III
- The last Hackintosh – the HP100 – Part IV
- The LCD price spiral continues
- The Leica DP – Part I
- The Leica DP – Part II
- The Leica DP – Part III
- The Leica DP – Part IV
- The Leica DP – Part V
- The Leica DP – Part VI
- The Leica for the rest of us
- The Leica M
- The Leica M9 and the Viewfinder Revolution
- The Leica Q
- The Leica X1 and street snaps
- The Leicaflex SL
- The Leitz close-up gizmo outfit
- The LG 34UM95C ultrawide display
- The Liberty Café
- The Library, Portsmouth, NH
- The Light L16 camera
- The Lightroom 4 book by Martin Evening
- The Logitech MX900 mouse
- The Lytro camera
- The Mac Mini – 2009
- The Mac Mini upgraded – 2009
- The MacBook Air – Part I
- The MacBook Air – Part II
- The MacBook Air – Part III
- The MacBook Air – Part IV
- The MacBook Air – Part V
- The Man who was Never Caught
- The military iMac
- The Minox
- The Mirrorless Revolution
- The most fun I ever had taking pictures
- The Music Teacher
- The netbook Apple will not make
- The new AppleTV – Part I
- The new AppleTV – Part II
- The new AppleTV – Part III
- The new art book
- The new iMac – 2012
- The new iMacs – 2011
- The new Kindle
- The new Kindle – Part II
- The new Mac Pro – 2013 – Part XX
- The New Macs – 2012
- The new Noct
- The new photojournalism
- The next revolution
- The Nikkor 16-35mm revisited
- The Nikon D2X – Part I
- The Nikon D2X – Part II
- The Nikon D2X – Part III
- The Nikon D3 being built
- The Nikon D3x
- The Nikon D700 and geotagging – Part I
- The Nikon D700 and geotagging – Part II
- The Nikon D700 revisited
- The Nikon D800
- The Nikon D800 in the studio
- The Nikon D800 outfit
- The obsoleting of expertise
- The old Mac Pro is plenty fast
- The Olympics end
- The Olympus E-PL1 and new lenses
- The Panasonic 14mm lens
- The Panasonic G1 – Part I
- The Panasonic G1 – Part II
- The Panasonic G1 – Part III
- The Panasonic G1 – Part IV
- The Panasonic G1 – Part V
- The Panasonic G1 – Part VI
- The Panasonic G1 – Part VII
- The Panasonic G1 – Part VIII
- The Panasonic G1 and GH1 sensors
- The Panasonic G3 – Part I
- The Panasonic G3 – Part II
- The Panasonic G3 – Part III
- The Panasonic G3 – Part IV
- The Panasonic G3 – Part V
- The Panasonic G3 – Part VI
- The Panasonic G3 – soon?
- The Panasonic LX-1 revisited
- The Panasonic LX-3
- The Panasonic LX100 – a closer look
- The Panasonic LX100 in use
- The perfect egg in a shell
- The photo gallery of the future
- The photo press
- The Photographer-Mule migrates up-market.
- The power of RAW
- The power of RAW
- The Presto Belgian waffle maker
- The problem with P&S cameras
- The problem with small sensors
- The Race Track improved
- The Razer Death Adder 3500dpi mouse
- The real capacity of storage cards
- The red shoes
- The Rolleiflex 2.8D
- The Russar 20mm lens
- The side-cutting can opener
- The Sirui K-40X ball head
- The StackShot
- The state of the art
- The Sunbeam AP10 coffee percolator
- The Sunbeam Radiant Control toaster
- The Surreal
- The Thirsty Bear
- The trouble with Flickr
- The Unfair Advantage
- The USPS is back
- The vintage Black & Decker electric can opener
- The visceral
- The winter of our discontent
- The woeful state of consumer digital cameras
- The work ethic
- The year of the tablet
- Themes have their uses
- There goes another $50,000
- There’s nothing quite like mounting.
- There’s one born every minute
- ThinkTank Retrospective 10 bag
- This just in from Reuters
- Three displays at work
- Three hundred bucks a year
- Thrill to the sights and sounds of racing Porsches
- Throw away your lens cap and case
- Tiffany’s at Christmas
- Time for a Canon 5D upgrade
- Time for an Apple camera?
- Time on the iPad
- Tips for the Daguerrean
- Today’s Hackintosh
- Today’s slideshow
- Tombstone, AZ
- Tomorrow’s viewfinder
- Top class
- Topaz DeNoise
- TotalFinder
- Towards 100 megapixels
- Toys
- Tracker blocking
- Tracking warranties
- Traditional British Cooking
- Troubling times for PPs
- Trust
- Trying the new MacBook Pro – 2009
- TuneIn Radio
- Twenty photographs
- Two bargain classics
- Two bargains from Panasonic
- Two fine 85s
- Two twenties
- Two years with the Canon 5D
- Two years with the Panasonic G1
- Ugly sells
- Uh huh.
- Umbria
- Undercover
- Unplanned survival
- Up periscope!
- Upcoming deaths
- Upgrading the Mac Pro 2013 – Part XXII
- Upgrading to iPhoto ’11
- Upstrap in action
- Useful apps – Dock and Desktop
- Useful apps – in the Menu Bar
- Using GPS coordinates
- Using mSATA drives in the Mac Pro – Part XXVIII
- Using reviews
- Valoi easy120 film scanning device
- Vanity Fair comes to the iPad
- Vibration Reduction
- Video with telemetry – Part II
- Viewfinders
- Vince LaForet on the Canon 5D Mark II
- Virgin Mobile MiFi 2200
- Virtual Reality comes to town
- Virtual reality revisited
- Vizio E552VLE
- Vogue on the iPad
- Vogue’s 120th
- Voigtlander 25mm f/0.95 MFT lens
- Vote!
- Working with two displays
- Waiting for the iPhone 4S
- Wake up call
- Walter Mandler
- Wanted: An Apple camera
- Web sites for photographs
- Weddings by Buissink
- Werra and Bauhaus
- Wetzlar goes to Tokyo
- What Steve wrought
- When all else fails, change your logo
- When eras end
- Where should the money go?
- Where the good stuff is
- White Birches
- White House china
- Why I cancelled my iPhone 4 order
- Why Lightroom is a good thing
- Why the iPhone 4 sucks
- Why wait?
- Why your next camera should be a phone
- Wi-fi dongles
- Windows on the Mac Pro
- Windows with Lion
- Wireless video routing
- Withdrawal symptoms
- Woof!
- Work and play
- Workarounds to Adobe’s tyranny
- Working a war economy
- Working with Custom Sets
- WSJ puffery